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Meet Our Members

NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why NOFA-NH offers our members eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' column in our e-news.  Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Please contact us if you'd like to be featured.


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Please Note: The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of our members and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors. We reserve the right to reject content deemed unsuitable or inappropriate for our readership and distribution. 

Meet Our Members Archive: 2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018

Meet Our Members February 2025

Dean & Donna Bascom of Bascom Farm

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The Bascom family has been in Charlestown, New Hampshire since the 1940s. Along with Samuel Kaymen, Horace Bascom was an early follower of organics and natural foods in the 1960s.


His farm was a classic, small, family dairy farm where Horace and Marion Bascom raised seven children. Their son, Dean, took over the farm following his father’s passing in the early 1980s and expanded the dairy to about 150 Jersey cows.

Seeing the writing on the wall for dairy farms to get bigger or get out in the 1990s, Dean gave up dairying and went to work as a soil conservationist with the Natural Resource Conservation Service. He sold most of the farm’s cropland and the family home to his cousin, Bruce Bascom. He kept 180 acres including 15 acres of grazing land and 165 of forest.


Dean’s wife, Donna, came from a non-traditional background. Her father was a sociologist, teaching at a small liberal arts college. Her mother lived and worked in Boston.


“My father grew up in a children’s home outside New York City,” she recalls. “He was sent to work on farms in upstate NY in the summer, an experience that was very formative for him.  He was a fan of Louis Bromfield and Thoreau, among others.  He was an angler, hunter, woodsman, and gardener; but his real passion was sailing the coast of Maine.”


“My mom was a pretty much a free spirit but a super hard worker. That’s where I got my penchant for thinking outside the box and my workaholism.”


“I was smitten by growing things and animals at an early age. I was always outside, climbing over fences to check out cows, and hanging out with loggers and their team of horses when the opportunity arose.“


Donna’s path to farming began at the age of fifteen with a desire to have a greenhouse. That led to a Master’s degree in soil science. She worked with various organizations in organic and sustainable agriculture as an organic certified farm inspector, ag researcher, and writer. During the 1990s, she owned a 50-goat dairy/farmstead cheese farm in Arkansas.


New England called her back in 2004; and in 2008, she took a job as a soil conservationist for NRCS New Hampshire. That’s where she met and married Dean.


“We left NRCS and moved back to the farm in 2017,” Dean states, “We loved the mission, but we don’t miss the bureaucracy and politics.”


“We now have around 200 acres, having purchased an abutting property in 2018. We have 1and a half acres in vegetables, 20 in pasture, 40 in a sugar bush, and 140 in woodlot.” 


Dean is the farm’s primary shepherd. 


“We raise Katahdin sheep for meat,” he explains “They’re a very hardy, American-developed, hair-type sheep known for being good mothers. Our lambs are born in early spring.  Some are sold at weaning and some are raised on pasture until they’re ready for “freezer camp” in the fall, when we sell them to our customers or to be processed in a USDA-inspected facility.”

“For vegetables,” Donna adds, “we produce a wide range: tomatoes, cukes, peppers, eggplant, lettuce, greens, turnips, carrots, potatoes, leeks, onions, scallions, beets, radishes, radicchio, daikon, cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, summer and winter squashes, sweet potatoes and herbs.”


“We distribute our produce at farmers markets and a CSA and wholesale to local processors, restaurants, farm stands, and local stores.”


“My favorite farming activities are growing seedlings, transplanting them into a new fresh bed, and arranging produce in attractive ways.”


Being a producer of local food for local people is very important to both Dean and Donna.

“Creating something from the ground and having a belief that many small farms are the answer to creating a sustainable food system is what keeps us farming,” Dean states. “Small scale doesn’t automatically translate into low production.”

“Organic farming is also very important to us. We believe that our food production systems need to be biologically sound and sustainably integrated with the environment and the surrounding immediate communities.”

“I see a future for small organic farms and businesses,” Donna exclaims, “but perhaps for all the wrong reasons. I believe our current food system is failing. In the current social and political environment, we’re going to witness climate, economic, and technological catastrophes. That’s why ‘Small Is Beautiful’ appears in our Bascom Farm logo.” 

“The biggest future challenge for these farms will be functioning in a capitalistic, growth-based, competitive false economy. Not every farm can have a great location on a busy highway or proximity to larger towns and cities, be blessed with a deep well of social capital, or have a marketing tech background. We as farmers need to be more cooperative, be serious about lifting all boats, and start thinking more inclusively and cooperatively. We’re often viewed as elitist, over-priced, and not based in reality by the majority of people in our communities.”

“Small farms are the answer for solving a huge portion of the climate crisis related to agriculture,” she says.  “It’s mythology and propaganda to say small farms can’t feed the world. Animal agriculture is not the problem -- it’s how meat and dairy are produced. Land area is not the problem in the northeast either if we would commit to policy that allows access to land. Nor is the cold climate -- we’ve long passed that hurdle with winter growing techniques. The bottleneck is found in lack of processing facilities and storage.” 

“Small farmers need to work together,” Donna asserts. “We need to change the competitive ‘what’s in it for my farm?’ narrative to evaluating cooperative marketing. The priority must be ‘how can we all support every one of us producing food.’  We must build cooperative marketing structures without giant hurdles and get involved with community-wide projects that involve all local producers We must provide services like recycling organic compostable wastes, contracting planned production and food processing to schools, food shelves and residents. We must get involved in vocational education for local young people and create worker training programs that will build a bank of solid, trained local labor.  The possibilities are endless.” 

“NOFA-NH membership benefits us by tracking events, supporting policy change, group/bulk purchasing program, education opportunities, and pursuing grant funds.”

Donna laughs when asked what is something that people would be surprised to learn about her. 

“Ha!.  I was inducted into the French Cheesemakers Guild in 1995….. and I’m a 5X American Cheese Society-winning goat cheese maker!  But my deepest secret is that I’m a super in-the-closet violin player, just waiting to burst out on the music scene.”


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January 2024

Alyssa McKeon & Luke Simon

Witching Hour Provisions​


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May 2024

Philip Cody and Zuzu Taytslin

Zulip Farms​


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November 2024

Ken Koerber

Chanticleer Garden​

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February 2024

Dave Trumble & Sarah Hansen

Local Harvest CSA​


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August 2024

Benée Hershon

Cheshire County Conservation District


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March 2024

Nancy Phillips

Heartsong Farm​


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October 2024

LaFortune Djabea

Mola Foods




February 2023

Sayer Palmer

Open Woods Farm​


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July 2023

Bruce Bickford & Kirsten Anderson

Abenaki Springs Farm


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October 2023

Chuck Cox

Tuckaway Farm


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March 2023

Katie Doyle Smith & Paul Swegel

Pork Hill Farm​


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August 2023

Georgia Elgar

Branch Hill Farm


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November 2023

Kathleen Dunn Jacobs & David Miller

Grounding Stone Farm


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May 2023

Ron Christie

Off the Wall Orchard


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September 2023

Bill Wardwell

Applecroft Farm



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January 2022

Seth Bent & Sarah Herr

Mink Meadow Farm​


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April 2022

Andrew Morin

ReGenerative Roots Association


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August 2022

Kate & Ben Dobrowski

Greenhill Farm NH


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November 2022

Sarah Hansen

Kearsarge Gore Farm/WPM


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February 2022

Ayn Whytemare

Found Well Farm​


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May 2022

Phil & Becky Brand

Brandmoore Farm


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September 2022

Denise Rico

Terra Organics NH


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March 2022

Stephanie Kelliher

Uphill Farm



June 2022

Joanne Cottam

Fowl Manor Farm



October 2022

Pierre Hahn

Kearsarge Food Hub/Sweet Beet Farm



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January 2021

Margaret Whitham, Rebecca Hennessey

Backyard Garlic

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April 2021

Rachel and Liz Freierman

Highwater Farm

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August 2021

Zach Nordlund and Tristan Lovecky

Waxing Moon Farm

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November 2021

Steve & Dawn Forde

Hop N Hen Farm


February 2021

Sue Greene

Slopeside Farm

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May 2021

Steve Haendler

Mildred's Drumlin Farm


September 2021

Sönke Dornblut

Juniper Cottage Bakeshop

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December 2021

Kevin and Jen French

Full Moon Farm


March 2021

Emma Dooley

Temple Wilton Community Farm

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June 2021

Hari Adhikari & Prem Khatiwada

Fresh Start Farms

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October 2021

Sarah Gilliatt

Main Street Cheese


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February 2020

Patty Laughlin

Lorax Landscaping, LLC


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June 2020

Larry Pletcher

Vegetable Ranch


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September 2020

Paul & Deb Doscher

Windcrest Farm

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March 2020

John E. Carroll

Dept of Natural Resources and Environment (COLSA), UNH


July 2020

Jess and Dan Boynton, Suellen Skinner

Serendipity Farm


November 2020

K. Kyle Saltonstall

Saltonstall Farm

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May 2020

Patti Powers

Cheshire Garden


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August 2020

Tom Mitchell

Ledge Top Farm

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December 2020

Ron Laurence

Blueberry Bay Farm



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January 2019

Dave Trumble

Good Earth Farm


May 2019

Jennifer Wilhelm

Fat Peach Farm​

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September 2019

Natalie Reid

Gap Mountain Goats​

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December 2019

Dan Lagueux

Hip Peas Farm​


February 2019

Gene Jonas

Hungry Bear Farm

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June 2019

Ted Lebow

Kitchen Table Consultants

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October 2019

Teresa Downey

Terra Basics

Mike Madden Scooters Farm of

April 2019

Mike Madden

Scooter's Farm of Woodmont

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August 2019

Maggie and Ben O'Brien

Three Sisters Farm​


November 2019

Mark Wilson and Mari Princiotta

Marimark Farms​


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March 2018

Mary MacNicol

Whole Health Chiropractic

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June 2018

Paul & Joan Richardson

Grand View Farm



October 2018

Julie Davenson

Stonewall Farm


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April 2018

Tracie Loock

Tracie's Community Farm

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July 2018

Clai Lasher-Sommers & Grace Glasson

New Dawn Farm

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November 2018

Ryan Foster

Home Grown Edible Landscaping & Nursery

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May 2018

Britt Phillips

Complete Land Organics

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August 2018

Irene LeMessurier

Temple Mountain Permaculture


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December 2018

Joanne Ducas

Mountain Heartbeet


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