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Classifieds May Include: Farm jobs, apprenticeships, and internships, and other farm opportunities such as sales of equipment, land, and other farm related products suitable for the greater NOFA-NH community. Please note that we reserve the right to reject advertising content deemed unsuitable or inappropriate for our readership and distribution.
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Note: The views and opinions expressed in these classifieds are those of our members and sponsors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors.

Join Cedar Circle’s Farm Kitchen Team (East Thetford, VT)
Posted March 7: The Kitchen Team at Cedar Circle Farm & Education Center transforms the bounty of our organic fields into fresh-baked goods, ready-to-eat meals, and preserved farm favorites—bringing the best of each season to our community. Join our team! Now hiring: Head Baker, Prepared Foods Assistant, Vegetable Processor, and more. Read more & apply here.
Wanna be a farmer at Sunny Slopes? 2-3 acres tillable land w/irrigation (Loudon, NH)
Posted March 3: Separate from main house with basement apt, for rent in spring are: a 12x12 fully insulated, cabin (lofted sleeping area) w/screened in porch overlooking the pond, and a seasonal 16’ Stout/Bell tent on elevated pea stone pad overlooking river -both are wired, heated, wifi, w/composting toilet outhouse, and a 9x24 tiny house with deck, one lofted sleeping area and one lofted storage area with full kitchen and bath overlooking the river. Spring/summer 2025, we want to construct a permanent greenhouse with geothermal heating w/root cellar. Ford 1720 full sized tractor and several attachments. Lease negotiable after farmer views/presents a plan for use. Would like to be close to Organic standards. Owners are retired science educator (sos-steam.org) , and Belgian by birth philologist/sheep farming/The Woolery founder (woolery.com) who both feel society survival is keyed to more people becoming farmer/gardeners. If interested, contact Phil and Marian at pbrow1199@gmail.com or text/call at 603-726-6587. Read the full description here.
Garden Assistant & Landscape Assistant Positions (Barnet, VT)
Posted March 3: Karmê Chöling meditation center, located on 450 acres in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, is hiring a Garden Assistant for our one-acre, nutrient rich, regenerative garden of flowers and of vegetables. We are also hiring a Landscape Assistant to keep our outdoor spaces vibrant and welcoming. Both positions use sustainable and organic gardening methods, and work closely with the garden team. These are seasonal, full-time positions running from April through September. To apply, please go to our website under “Job Opportunities” and select “Apply Now."
Camp Glen Brook Seeks Assistant Farm Manager (Marlborough, NH)
Posted February 3: Camp Glen Brook is seeking an assistant farm manager to join our diverse production/educational farm and vibrant community on a 250 acre campus in NH, working with vegetables, perennial fruits, livestock, and students. Send a resume to farm@glenbrook.org to apply. Learn more at www.glenbrook.org/.
Heartsong Farm & Lost Nation Orchard Hiring Orchard Intern 2025 Courses (Groveton, NH)
Posted January 27: Holistic Education, Heirloom Apples and Healing Herbs. Retreats, workshops, and apprenticeships. Join our 8-month Holistic Orchard Apprenticeship Program, guest expert orchardists, hands on learning, includes Michael Phillips’s books, videos. Join Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times (Ayurveda, Yoga, Herbal Medicine) one Saturday monthly for 8 months. Hiring Farm Intern position now. Heartsong Farm & Lost Nation Orchard
Wild Fern Farm is hiring for the growing season! (Kingston, NH)
Posted January 27: Wild Fern Farm is a small scale vegetable farm that offers certified organic vegetables to the local Seacoast region. We sell our vegetables through a farmer's market, a CSA program and wholesale to small food businesses and nonprofits. The farm is designed to stay small, efficient and at a hand scale. Which means the farm needs smart, energetic, hard working people to operate it! Please visit https://www.wildfernfarmnh.com/come-grow-with-us for more information.​​​​​​​​​​​
Less Fertilizer - Higher Yields with SumaGrow
Posted January 1: Improve your Nutrient Uptake and Lessen Environmental Impact. Regenerative Agriculture - Bio - Stimulant - PASA - CLIMATE SMART- PARTNER. Leading Microbial Product on the Market. At the forefront of Agricultural and Horticultural Biologic. Eleven Sizes starting at $70.00 per gallon - Quart size - 250 gallon tote size. Contact Ron Audette at raudette@ambioglobal.com or 860-424-2550. sumagrow.com​
Mohawk Valley Trading Company Raw Honey & More (Utica, NY)
Posted January 1: The Mohawk Valley Trading Company offers the highest quality organic, natural products we can produce, including, but not limited to, raw honey, beeswax candles, maple syrup, maple sugar, natural skin care products, and natural soap. Although our raw honey is not labeled organic, it is about as organic as you can get from The United States. Please visit www.tenonanatche.com/raw-honey.htm.
Handmade Skin Balms, Butters, & Salves from Berkana Wellness (Henniker, NH)
Posted January 1: www.berkanawellness.com, or ETSY store (the same name). I use my own herbs, or purchased organic ones. Local beeswax; other organic ingredients. NOFA members receive 8% discount.
Grow Your Profits
Posted January 1: Keeping honey bees as pollinators will increase your yield! White Mountain Apiary has everything you need to become a successful beekeeper. We offer online beekeeping classes, honey bees, queen bees, beekeeping equipment and support. Visit www.whitemountainapiary.com/store or call 603-444-6661 for more information