Meet Our Members | September 2019
Name and Occupation: Natalie Reid, Owner
Business Name: Gap Mountain Goats

How long have you been a member of NOFA-NH? Since 2019.
Why did you become a member of NOFA-NH? To support the organic movement; keep apprised of news and events going on around in our region
How has NOFA-NH impacted your business? NOFA-NH provides information and resources, opportunities to network with other members, and attend interesting events.
What's your number one priority for NOFA-NH this year? Get the State of New Hampshire to ban the sale of products containing glyphosate or at the very least stop advocating for its use by DES.
What advice do you have for anyone thinking about becoming a NOFA-NH member? Joining NOFA-NH is a great way to stay involved with people and organizations who all share the same goals.
Does your business have any upcoming activities or events you would like to share with the NOFA-NH community? Managing Invasives with Goats Demonstration, Saturday Sept 14th (rain date 15th) at Marlborough Elementary School on Fitch Court from 10 am to 3 pm. From Memorial Day through October we run 2-4 goat crews simultaneously to combat invasive plant species and overgrown brush for homeowners, municipalities and non-profits while also educating on the importance of protecting and nourishing our precious soil rather than poisoning it with chemicals
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