NOFA-NH's annual Spring Bulk Order is a discounted, collective buying program for organic farming and gardening supplies. Shop Online now through February 28, 2019. Mail order catalog coming soon.
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Save the Date for NOFA-NH's Organic Vegetable Gardening Workshop Series
Apply to Participate in the Farm Share Program
Are you certified organic, a member of NOFA-NH and have a CSA? If so, apply to participate in our Farm Share Program for financial assistance providing a subsidized farm share to limited-income individuals and families. Applications due February 15, 2019.
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Join Us for Two More "Fundamentals of Organic Lawn Care" Workshops
The Merrimack County Conservation District and NOFA-NH are hosting two more FREE workshops presented by Britt Phillips, owner of Complete Land Organics in September. Join us in:
Bow, September 18, 6 - 7:30 PM
Hooksett, September 19, 6 - 7:30 PM
Creating a sustainable, healthy, chemical free lawn begins with understanding what is happening biologically in your soil. The soil holds the main clues in terms of why a lawn is thriving or struggling. By understanding your property’s soil structure and soil composition, we can take the next step to a healthy and sustainable lawn!
Celebrate "Share the Bounty Day" on September 28!
A Fundraiser for the Farm Share Program
NOFA-NH invites you to participate in our first annual Share the Bounty Day as part of national Hunger Action Month! Shop and dine with our partners on Saturday, September 28th to help raise funds for NOFA-NH’s 2020 Farm Share Program. Donations will help provide low-income NH residents with discounted farm shares, improve food security throughout NH and support small, organic family farms.
Share the Bounty Day Partners:
Monadnock Food Co-op - Keene
Republic Café - Manchester
Revival Kitchen & Bar - Concord
Sweet Beet Market - Bradford
Umami Café - Northwood
Warner Public Market - Warner
The Works Bakery Café - Concord, Durham, Keene, Portsmouth

"Round It Up" for NOFA-NH at Monadnock Food Co-op Throughout September
The Monadnock Food Co-op will be donating funds raised from their September "Round It Up" program to NOFA-NH. Customers will have the option to round up their change to the nearest dollar at the register, and the difference will be donated to NOFA-NH to support our 2020 Farm Share Program, and particularly to expanding the program within the Monadnock region. Thank you Monadnock Food Co-op and your customers!

Soil Health and The CRAFT of Farming at Kearsarge Gore Farm October 5th, 2-5 PM | Warner, NH
Join NOFA-NH and Kearsarge Gore Farm for an educational program for farmers, farm workers, gardeners, students and families as part of NOFA-NH’s CRAFT Program (Collaborative Regional Alliances for Farmer Training) and farm tour series. See where real, local organic foods are being grown while discovering employment opportunities. This tour will focus on soil health, and is co-sponsored by grants from Farm Credit Northeast AgEnhancement and Farm Aid. This event is FREE to NOFA-NH Members, Farmers and Farm Workers. Tickets: $5 per person, $10 per family. All proceeds go to the host farm. Registration Required. Farm fresh refreshments will be served.

NOFA-NH is Hiring a Gleaning Coordinator
NOFA-NH is hiring a Gleaning Coordinator to work in the Grafton County/Plymouth area. The Gleaning Coordinator will develop relationships with local farms and recipient organizations, recruit and train volunteers, and implement gleanings throughout the area. This is a part-time position, beginning ASAP and running to December. Please send your cover letter and resume to info@nofanh.org. This position will remain open until filled. View the job description at the link below.

Help NOFA and MOFGA Serve Beginning and Established Farmers
As a new generation of farmers enters the market with a heightened interest in soil health and regenerative farming practices, there is an opportunity to create regionalized networks of mutually supportive farmers working toward climate change resiliency and food security.
NOFA & MOFGA seek to support new and established farmers to be successful in their ventures, and to foster a thriving independent farming community across the Northeast. To do so, we need your help in understanding how we can build a stronger suite of resources, trainings, network facilitation, and other farm viability programs to deepen your capacity for resilience and long-term success.
If you are a beginning or established farmer in a phase of your career where you are seeking support, please help us to create programs and opportunities to support you by taking a few minutes to fill out this survey.

Radically Rural: A Dynamic Gathering for Thriving Small Communities September 19th - 20th
Radically Rural is an annual two-day summit that brings together hundreds of people who are passionate about creating vibrant, robust rural communities and are eager to learn, connect and lead the charge. This year's gathering, hosted by the Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship and The Keene Sentinel, is an opportunity for sharing experiences and knowledge with other rural founders, leaders, and trailblazers who are invested in rural communities.

The 9th Annual Soil & Nutrition Conference
The Bionutrient Food Association is bringing together the collective knowledge of the broader food and environmental movements from the perspective of successful farmers, cutting-edge researchers, enlightened health practitioners, and pioneers of food quality. Integrating diverse viewpoints, this year’s program engages growers and gardeners with principles, practices and innovations for ecologically and financially sound farming, and presents the health-conscious consumer and medical professional with valuable insights and tools to effectively advocate and select for quality in their local region and food supply.

Real Organic Project Debates the Organic Trade Association
An important debate took place this summer at the NOFA 2019 Summer Conference between Dave Chapman of the Real Organic Project and Jo Mirenda of the Organic Trade Association. With Jack Kittredge as moderator, the two debated a foundational question regarding organics today: Is the USDA National Organic Program doing its Job (protecting the values of traditional organic agriculture and meeting consumer expectations)?

Suggested Reading from Scientific American: Long Live Microbiomes!
Interested in important scientific research about GMO's, organic regenerative farming, nutrition, and the microbiome? Here's a new article from "Scientific American" that exemplifies how outside pressure can shape the way that such information is shared. Compare the before and after versions of this intriguing article which was first published on August 20, 2019.

Meet Our Members: Introducing Natalie Reid and Gap Mountain Goats
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why we offer our members with farms and farm-related businesses eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' e-news column. Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Featured members are chosen by random lottery.
Note: The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of our members and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors.
Welcome New & Renewing Members
Thank you to our NOFA-NH Members who became new members and renewed their membership in July & August 2019.
Renewing Members: Monadnock Food Co-op, Sweet Beet Market, Warner Public Market and The Works Bakery Café
New Members: Republic Café, Revival Kitchen & Bar, Sycamore Community Garden and Umami Café
Sycamore Community Garden Seeks Part-time Garden Manager
Located on the campus of NHTI in Concord NH, the Garden serves 160+ low income and New American families. Job entails working with gardeners and Board, managing the garden and plots, public relations with community. Apply by 9/30/19. More info: https://www.sycamorecommunitygarden.org/job-openings
Work Song Farm Seeks Full-Time Year-Round Employee
Work Song Farm seeks full-time year-round employee to start before Aug. 2019. We’re a small-scale diverse organic vegetable farm located just outside Concord. No experience needed. Enthusiasm required. Contact Dan and Abby for more details. Worksongfarm@gmail.com; 603-219-0297.
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our Classifieds page and in this newsletter. Not yet members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share your Classified with our community, please contact info@nofanh.org.
Note: The views and opinions expressed in these classifieds are those of our members and sponsors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors.
Upcoming Events
September: National Hunger Action Month
Tuesday, September 17: Permacultural Soil Building and Gardening, Portsmouth, NH
Wednesday, September 18: Fundamentals of Organic Lawn Care Workshop Series, Bow, NH
Thursday, September 19: Fundamentals of Organic Lawn Care Workshop Series, Hooksett, NH
Thursday - Friday, September 19-20: Radically Rural Summit, Keene, NH
Friday - Sunday, September 20 - 22: Common Ground Country Fair, Unity, Maine
Saturday, September 28: Share the Bounty Day, Statewide
October 1 - 31: NH Farm to School Month, Statewide
Tuesday, October 1: Advocacy on the Road Training, Keene, NH
Saturday, October 5: The CRAFT of Farming, Kearsarge Gore Farm, Warner, NH
What's happening in neighboring states?
NOFA/Mass Events | NOFA-VT Events | MOFGA Events
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