Meet Our Members | October 2018
Name and Occupation: Julie Davenson, Executive Director
Business Name: Stonewall Farm

How long have you been a member of NOFA-NH? Since September 2018
Why did you become a member of NOFA-NH? To connect, network and share information and resources with other organic farmers.
How has NOFA-NH impacted your business? NOFA provides valuable resources to members. As a non-profit educational farm, NOFA has also helped us spread the word about the agricultural education programs we offer at Stonewall Farm, especially our new work as a Savory HUB for New England.
What's your number one priority for NOFA-NH this year? We would like to see more incentives and support for farmers wanting to implement regenerative farming practices.
What advice do you have for anyone thinking about becoming a NOFA-NH member? Visit and talk with other NOFA members to learn more about the amazing farms we have in NH.
Does your business have any upcoming activities or events you would like to share with the NOFA-NH community? Yes, we will be holding our annual Thanksgiving Farm Fare on Friday, November 16th from 4 to 7pm and Saturday, November 17th from 9 to 3pm. The Thanksgiving themed event showcases the best local farmers, food producers and artisans in the region. You can purchase everything thing you need for your Thanksgiving Feast at this festive fair, including an early start on holiday gift shopping. Cooking demonstrations are provided throughout the day on Saturday. The event is free and located at 242 Chesterfield Road in Keene, NH.
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