NOFA-NH's annual Spring Bulk Order is a discounted, collective buying program for organic farming and gardening supplies. Shop Online now through February 28, 2019. Mail order catalog coming soon.
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Save the Date for NOFA-NH's Organic Vegetable Gardening Workshop Series
Apply to Participate in the Farm Share Program
Are you certified organic, a member of NOFA-NH and have a CSA? If so, apply to participate in our Farm Share Program for financial assistance providing a subsidized farm share to limited-income individuals and families. Applications due February 15, 2019.
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Thank You Share the Bounty Day Partners & Participants
NOFA-NH would like to thank everyone who participated or partnered with us for our first Share the Bounty Day. This fundraiser was a huge success, and none of it could have happened without our dedicated supporters and donors. Donations raised from Share the Bounty Day have ensured that we can continue our Farm Share Program in 2020, providing fresh, organic produce for low-income NH residents.

Work With Us! NOFA-NH is Hiring a Finance Coordinator
NOFA-NH is seeking a Finance Coordinator to join our fun and energizing team! In addition to supporting organizational decision-making around finances, insurance, taxes and more, the Coordinator will provide basic office support and generate reports as requested for the Treasurer and the Board of Directors. This is a part time position of 10 hours per week, with flexibility in work hours.

The CRAFT of Farming: Update from Kearsarge Gore Farm
Kearsarge Gore Farm graciously opened their gates to thirty fellow farmers, gardeners and eaters at our third and final CRAFT event of 2019. Attendees spent a beautiful afternoon touring the diversified, organic farm and learning from successful organic growers. The tour featured a panel on healthy soils with speakers Julie Davenson of Stonewall Farm, Gene Jonas of Hungry Bear Farm, and Sam Bower of Kearsarge Gore Farm, and a roundtable discussion on soil health. We’re also grateful to Brookford Farm and Work Song Farm, who both provided excellent tours for CRAFT attendees earlier this year.

Review of the Fundamentals of Organic Lawn Care Workshop Series
Britt Phillips of Complete Land Organics presented her concluding talk on the Fundamentals of Organic Lawn Care in September. Britt’s inspiring, lively discussions of earth-friendly lawn care practices were enthusiastically received in Concord, Bow, and Hooksett. NOFA-NH was happy to co-sponsor these programs with the Merrimack County Conservation District, the Bow and Hooksett Public Libraries, and the Bow Conservation Commission. These program have helped increase public awareness about the many healthy ways to care for lawns which do not depend on artificial fertilizers, herbicides & pesticides.

Whole Foods Market Community Giving Day to Benefit NOFA-NH on October 17th!
We're excited to announce that NOFA-NH will receive 5% of net sales from two Whole Foods Market
locations in New Hampshire on Thursday, October 17th as part of the company’s annual Community Giving Days! Funds raised by Whole Foods Market will support NOFA-NH’s 2020 Farm Share Program, helping to provide discounted organic produce for low-income NH residents while supporting small, organic family farms. You can support NOFA-NH at these two Whole Foods Market locations on October 17th: 121 S River Rd, Bedford, NH AND 255 Amherst St, Nashua, NH. We hope to see you there!

October is National Farm to School Month
It’s National Farm to School Month. Here’s bipartisan national legislation that’s being introduced to support local farming, build resilient diversified food systems, and improve the health of our precious young people!

Support the Saving NH Pollinators Act October 17th at 1 PM
Pollinators are critical to our food security. Yet these vitally important members of our food system and are in rapid decline in large part due to exposure to harmful pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. Join community activists on Thursday, October 17th at 1 PM at the NH Statehouse for a public hearing on HB 646-FN: The Saving New Hampshire’s Pollinators Act to help protect bees and other pollinators in New Hampshire. Not able to attend but feeling inspired? Sign and share this petition and/or write to the Environment and Agriculture subcommittee in support of the Act.

Save the Date for the Food Solutions Forum on November 5th
On November 5th, NOFA-NH is partnering with the NH Food Alliance, Agrarian Trust, NAMA, and others to host the Food Solutions Forum. This event will bring together presidential candidates, farmers, fishermen, small business owners, workers, those who advocate for our producers, scientists, and the general public for a non-partisan discussion of food and agriculture. Please join us at UNH Durham from 10 AM - 1 PM as we demonstrate how food policy profoundly impacts our lives and provides powerful mechanisms for the positive change across the political spectrum and a range of issues.

Join Us for "The Pollinators Film at Red River Theatres on November 11th
NOFA-NH invites you to a celebration of honey, pollinators and organic farming at our second annual film screening fundraiser! We’re proud to present “The Pollinators” at Red River Theatres on November 11th, an award-winning cinematic journey around the United States following migratory beekeepers and their truckloads of honey bees as they pollinate the flowers that become the fruits, nuts and vegetables we all eat. The film provides a broad perspective about the threats to honey bees and our food security, along with solutions. Join us at 5 PM for a mead tasting, hors d'oeuvres & exhibitors, followed by the film at 6. Stay for an engaging panel discussion post-screening. TICKETS: $20 BEEliever, $15 General Admission, $10 NOFA-NH Member / Student / Senior / Scholarship. See you there!

Become a NOFA Member in November!
NOFA-NH is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a diverse impact, providing programs that champion environmental and human health through farming, gardening, soil health, nutrition, food security, and land care practices across New Hampshire. But our work would not be possible without the vision of our members! Your membership is vital to NOFA-NH as we continue to expand our programs and workshops. This November, we’ll be actively seeking new members to join us in creating a healthier, sustainable food system for all. If you value our mission, events and programming – including this monthly e-newsletter – please consider supporting our organization by becoming a new member or renewing your membership.

Save the Date for NOFA-NH's Winter Conference: February 8th, 2020
Spend Saturday, February 8th, 2020 at NOFA-NH's 18th Annual Winter Conference at a NEW location: Kearsarge Regional High School in North Sutton, NH! Attendees can look forward to fun, educational workshops, book signings, delicious food, a keynote speaker, and the Green Market Fair. Register Online before December 27th for 20% off regular ticket prices. Remember, NOFA Members Save an additional 20% on Tickets! Register and/or Become a Sponsor, Exhibitor or Presenter at the link below.

Letter to Policy Makers on Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture
This year’s devastating losses from extreme weather have brought home the urgent need to address the climate crisis and its impacts on agriculture. Now is the time to join thousands of other farmers and ranchers across the nation to ask policy makers and federal administrators to help us meet the challenges of a changing climate. Please consider signing the letter below to voice your concerns about climate change impacts on agriculture in the United States and to call for solutions that invest in our rural and agricultural communities. Please note, we sincerely value the support of all but are specifically seeking signatures from farmers and ranchers for this effort.

Take Action to Protect Organic Dairy Producers
In June, the House of Representatives passed a Fiscal Year 2020 agriculture spending bill that included a provision to level the playing field for organic dairy producers. It would require the USDA to issue a final regulation on 'Origin of Livestock’ – the rules for how conventional dairy cows are transitioned into organic herds. The regulation will protect organic dairy farms from loopholes that have allowed conventional dairy livestock to enter organic herds, creating an economic disadvantage for organic farmers who play by the rules, as it is more costly for them to raise calves organically. You can urge the Senate Appropriations Committee to take action to protect organic dairy producers.

Help NOFA and MOFGA Serve Beginning and Established Farmers
NOFA & MOFGA seek to support new and established farmers to be successful in their ventures, and to foster a thriving independent farming community across the Northeast. To do so, we need your help in understanding how we can build a stronger suite of resources, trainings, network facilitation, and other farm viability programs to deepen your capacity for resilience and long-term success.
If you are a beginning or established farmer in a phase of your career where you are seeking support, please help us to create programs and opportunities to support you by taking a few minutes to fill out this survey.

What's the Difference Between Regenerative and Organic Farming?
What are the differences between “regenerative” and “organic” farming methods? Read this article from Civil Eats to discover why organic and regenerative foods are especially good for people and planet. (But of course, organic, regenerative, and local are ideal!)

Meet Our Members: Introducing Teresa Downey and Terra Basics
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why we offer our members with farms and farm-related businesses eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' e-news column. Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Featured members are chosen by random lottery.
Note: The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of our members and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors.
Welcome New & Renewing Members
Thank you to our NOFA-NH Members who became new members and renewed their membership in July & August 2019.
Renewing Members: Grounding Stone Farm
New Members: Dr. Peggy Ueda
Plowshare Farm Lifesharing Community Seeks Lead Gardener
Are you a skilled organic vegetable gardener? Trained in or open to biodynamic principles? Ready to lead our garden crew to grow vegetables for our anthroposophic lifesharing community of 50 people? If you’re someone with a pioneer spirit, there is room here to make a real difference. Greenfield, NH. 603-547-2547 | service@plowsharefarm.org. More info here.
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our Classifieds page and in this newsletter. Not yet members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share your Classified with our community, please contact info@nofanh.org.
Note: The views and opinions expressed in these classifieds are those of our members and sponsors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors.
Upcoming Events
October 1 - 31: NH Farm to School Month, Statewide
Thursday, October 17: Community Giving Day, Whole Foods Market, Bedford, NH
Thursday, October 17: Community Giving Day, Whole Foods Market, Nashua, NH
Thursday, October 17: Saving NH's Pollinators Act Hearing, NH Statehouse, Concord, NH
Friday, October 18: NH's Association of Conservation Districts Annual Meeting, Laconia, NH
Friday, October 25: Preparing Local Food Systems for Climate Change, Webinar
November 1 - 30: NOFA-NH Membership Drive Month, Statewide
November 2 - 3: Northeast Gathering of the US Food Sovereignty Alliance, Milton, NH
Tuesday, November 4: Agritourism: Building Connection Between Farmers, Customers and Communities, Greenland, NH
Tuesday, November 5: Food Solutions Forum, Durham, NH
Monday, November 11: "The Pollinators" Film Screening, Concord, NH
Tuesday, November 12: NOFA-NH Board Meeting, Concord, NH
Thursday - Sunday, November 14 - 17: Soil & Nutrition Conference, Southbridge, MA
What's happening in neighboring states?
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