NOFA-NH E-Newsletter: November 2020
Sign up for our Monthly E-News here.

Membership Drive Month: Updates for Current & Future Members
November is our Membership Drive Month. At the end of the month, all current (and new!) members will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a discount on a Winter Conference ticket and a free copy of the “Growing Healthy Vegetable Crops” Handbook, 4 dozen eggs from Pete & Gerry’s Organic Eggs (3 chances), or a $25 gift card to The Common Man.
Encourage your friends to join NOFA-NH! Starting this month, current members are eligible to receive a $5 discount to any NOFA event for every new member referred (up to 5 per year).
Join or renew today and help us reach our goal of 50 new and renewing members in November!

Why Organic Now? Free Virtual Panel Discussion on Wednesday, November 18th!
On Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m., join NOFA-NH and a panel of state and regional leaders as we explore specific ways localized, organic, regenerative growing and eating can contribute to the repair of unjust social structures, personal health, and the environment that sustains us. This is a free event. Registration is required.
Thank you to the Littleton Food Co-op and Bona Fide Green Goods for sponsoring this event!

Registration Is Open for Winter Conference!
Join us Saturday and Sunday, February 13-14, 2021 for our 19th annual Winter Conference — Cultivating Stewardship: Health, Harmony and Resilience. This year’s virtual conference will be held online only. Workshops will address topics including healing the land, soil health, ecosystem balance, food justice, creating a fair farm, herbalism and immune health, farmland access and social justice, organic seeds, and more! Speaker details coming soon. Visit our Winter Conference webpage for more information.
Recordings of all Winter Conference workshops are included in the ticket price and will be available exclusively to ticket holders for 6 months following the Conference.
CRAFT Farm Tours Now on YouTube
From July to October, NOFA-NH hosted 6 virtual educational farm tours for farmers, farm workers, and anyone interested in learning about organic farming. Both the tours and community discussions were recorded and are now available to watch on our YouTube channel!

NOFA IC's Comments on Genetically Engineered Chestnut Proposal
Researchers at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) in Syracuse, NY are requesting USDA approval to plant genetically engineered American chestnut trees throughout eastern forests in a first-ever unrestricted experiment designed to spread a genetically modified organism (GMO) into wild ecosystems to counter a disastrous blight that wiped out chestnut forests in the early 1900’s. Backed by the Biotech Industry in conjunction with timber corporations the technicians chose the “beloved American Chestnut” as a Trojan horse for approving future large scale releases of other GE trees that are waiting in the wings.
The NOFA Interstate Council opposed release of the Darling 58 genetically engineered chestnut, and submitted comments to the USDA in October.

The Complexity of the Organic Production Sector
Small producers are not necessarily seeing an increase in profits during the pandemic while it has been a boon to organic food sales overall. An essay from the Real Organic Project highlights key shortcomings in the positions advanced by certain speakers in an article from “Civil Eats.” At the same time, this essay draws our attention to what’s at stake if corporate, industrialized food interests co-opt the meaning (and sales!) of organic: foundational human rights and the well-being of the planet.

Farm Laborer Wages Frozen Days After the U.S. Elections
Days after the election, the Trump Administration issued a rule freezing wages for some H2A guest workers, who make up about 10% of the U.S. agricultural workforce. The move could severely harm these low-wage farm laborers who have already been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

Cheap Food Comes at a Higher Cost
Most Americans spend less money as a percentage of their monthly income on food compared with the rest of the world. At what cost? Cheap food causes poverty and hunger, costs taxpayers billions of dollars (in subsidies to farmers), we end up spending more on healthcare, the environmental cost is staggering, and the list goes on.

The Power of Local Food Systems
The Kearsarge Food Hub in Bradford is a community focused organization working to build a restorative food system. In a recent blog post, they reflected on the value of local food systems, which allow for transparency and fair wages for farm workers, encourage care for the environment, and contribute to a healthy state economy. We as a community have the power to initiate change — it begins with us as individuals.

Real Organic Project Symposium
Real Organic Project is hosting a virtual symposium — a series of talks and live panels with more than 50 prominent organic farmers, scientists, and climate activists — on Sundays in January. Sessions will cover ROP’s story, soil health, farming and climate, health and nutrition, and what we can do as farmers and eaters to build a better food system.

NOFA-NH President Featured in NH Bar News
Our Board President, Laura Hartz, grew up on the coast of Maine with a love for the outdoors, food, and gardening. Today, she works with businesses and nonprofits as an attorney at Orr & Reno. Laura was recently featured in the New Hampshire Bar News.

Support Local During Shop Indie Local Month & Giving Tuesday
November is Shop Indie Local Month! This campaign inspires individuals to take positive action by boosting the ripple effect of economic and community benefits received when they spend dollars at locally owned and independent businesses. Support locally owned businesses this holiday season by participating in Plaid Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cider Monday.
Giving Tuesday is a global movement of charitable giving that takes place every year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. Consider supporting organic agriculture in New Hampshire on this year's Giving Tuesday, December 1st, by joining NOFA-NH, giving the gift of a membership, or donating!

Invitation to Join NOFA-NH's Board Committees
Passionate and enthusiastic volunteers are invited to join our Board Committees! You do not have to be a Board Member to join. Prospective committee members are welcome to join a meeting — contact us for more information.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: *New Committee, Time TBD
Education & Outreach: Please inquire about the next meeting
Finance: 4th Thursdays of the month, 4-5 pm
Governance: 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 10-11 am
Fundraising & Marketing: 3rd Thursdays of the month, 1-2:30 pm
Membership: 4th Thursdays of the month, 1:30-2:30 pm
Policy: 4th Wednesdays of the month, 8-9 am
Quality Assurance: 1st Thursdays of the month, 4:15 pm

Meet Our Members: Introducing K. Kyle Saltonstall & Saltonstall Farm
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why we offer our members with farms and farm-related businesses eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' e-news column. Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Featured members are chosen by random lottery.
Welcome New & Renewing Members
Thank you to our NOFA-NH Members who became new members or renewed their memberships in September 2020.
Renewing Members:
Brookford Farm, Tim Gallagher
Employment Opportunity: Farm-Based Education Director
Stonewall Farm is seeking a Farm-Based Education Director. The Youth Education Director is responsible for implementing education programs using methods such as experiential education, inquiry-based learning and nature-based experiences. The position is responsible for developing and teaching high quality programs for children and youth such as a licensed summer camp program, farm to school programs, farm-based-education programs, food systems and programs for educators. FT salaried position with health, dental and paid leave. Pay commensurate with experience. Please send cover letter and resume to jdavenson@stonewallfarm.org. No phone calls please.
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our Classifieds page and in this newsletter. Not yet members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share your Classified with our community, please contact info@nofanh.org.
Please Note: The views and opinions expressed in these classifieds are those of our members and sponsors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors. We reserve the right to reject content deemed unsuitable or inappropriate for our readership and distribution.
Upcoming Events
Fridays, 12-1 pm: NH Food Alliance Network Cafés
November 16-19: NOFA-VT's Agricultural Literacy Week
November 18: "Why Organic Now? Linking Social Justice to Personal and Planetary Health," A Virtual Panel Discussion
November 27: Plaid Friday
November 28: Small Business Saturday
November 30: Cider Monday
December 1: Giving Tuesday
Sundays in January 2021: Real Organic Project Virtual Symposium
February 13-14, 2021: NOFA-NH Winter Conference
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