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Meet Our Staff & Board of Directors

NOFA-NH Staff Members

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Xochiquetzal Berry
Marketing & Communications Coordinator
Xochiquetzal Berry is a food systems specialist and certified permaculture designer with a background in culinary arts and sustainable food and farming. In her 16 years of experience, Xochi has worked as a chef, garden designer, permaculture program head, and agricultural educator. Through her life’s work, she has become acutely aware of the beneficial impact organic, regenerative, and just farming practices have on our people and planet, and she is eager to help the food loving folks of New Hampshire develop a resilient, equitable, and vibrant regional food system. Xochi lives on an urban homestead in Central NH with her daughter and 6 chickens.  

Contact Xochiquetzal

Kyle Jacoby
Education Program Coordinator
Kyle Jacoby is an environmental education professional who has worked with nonprofits across the country that are focused on improving our natural and social systems. He has held roles in teaching, support, and program directing for organizations such as Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP), Mass Audubon, The Trustees of Reservations, and The New England Botanic Garden. During his career, Kyle built an appreciation for the impact farming can have while teaching and leading farm-based education programs at CVNP, Drumlin Farm (MA Audubon), and Appleton Farms (The Trustees). He believes farming can change the world and loves getting the opportunity to work with our NH Community to make that a reality. Kyle lives in the Seacoast region of NH.

Contact Kyle

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Nikki Kolb
Operations Director

Nikki is an organic farming and local food advocate with over 10 years of experience working with non-profits. She has a degree in writing and publishing, and a background in wildlife conservation, experiential education, and universal design. Nikki has worked with NOFA-NH since 2017 and previously held the positions of Office Administrator and Fundraising Coordinator, and Operations Manager. She lives and gardens in Canterbury with her family.


Contact Nikki

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Denise Rico
Bulk Order & Finance Coordinator

Denise Rico is a NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional. She holds degrees in Horticulture and Landscape Design. She has owned and operated a small landscape business in NH for over 20 years and has grown certified organic vegetables for market for 7 years. She currently lives on her farm on the banks of the Blackwater River in Contoocook, NH, where there are no stones in the soil.


Contact Denise

Teresa Downey
Transition to Organic Partnership Program Coordinator

Teresa is a mother of four adult children, an organic farmer and herbalist. She has a background in computer software technology, management of doctors' offices, farm management and local food markets. Teresa has been involved with local food for 35 years, both as a farm hand, farm manager, local food markets manager, farm owner, local food procurement and is an avid foodie. She is passionate about social transformation to a just and equitable world, service to humanity and creating food systems that benefit and serve the needs of humanity and the environment using nature as a guide. She homeschooled her four children. She lives on her 7-acre certified organic farm, with her husband and border collie, growing edible flowers, herbs and producing value-added products from the farm harvests.


Contact Teresa

Shealagh Crowley
AmeriCorps VISTA Food Access Coordinator

Shealagh Crowley is an AmeriCorps VISTA member serving with NOFA-NH as the Food Access Coordinator. Shealagh graduated from Essex Northshore Agricultural and Technical School, as an Equine Science major. She has since served an AmeriCorps term with the Massachusetts Historic Preservation Corps and worked at Saint Gaudens and Marsh-Billings-Rockerfeller National Park through the Traditional Trades Advancement Program.  Shealagh was an active participant in 4-H and FFA, and is an active gardener with a focus on heirloom varieties. She loves to study the intersection of community development, climate, and agriculture. During her free time, she likes to read, write, create art, and be in nature. â€‹

NOFA-NH Board of Directors

Julie Davenson
President of the Board of Directors

Julie Davenson served as the Executive Director of Stonewall Farm for 7 years from 2015 to 2022. During her tenure at Stonewall Farm, she transitioned the farm into an innovative demonstration HUB for regenerative agriculture. She now works with the Regenerative Food Network, Southshire Meats, and the Northeast Healthy Soil Network. She holds a masters degree from Antioch University in Organization and Management. She has served in a leadership capacity in a number of non-profit organizations and is an experienced experiential educator and facilitator. She has been passionate about social justice and environmental causes throughout her career trying to connect the issues. She worked on reforming federal housing regulation while developing innovative housing programs as a director at Keene Housing. She is trained in holistic management with the Savory Institute including studying at the African Center for Holistic Management in Zimbabwe. 

Kate Dobrowski
Vice President of the Board of Directors

Kate is owner and co- grower with her son at Greenhill Farm NH. Greenhill Farm NH is a diversified off-grid Solar powered family farm in central NH producing a variety of Certified Organic fruit, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, flowers, woodland, and value -added products grown in healthy soils with regenerative practices. Kate’s work and educational herstory is as diversified as the farm’s and most recently include a clinical herbalism and nutrition business. She believes that good health and environmental health are synonymous. She also has background as a licensed massage therapist, program developer, retail buyer, electronics tech, decorative painter and more. By far, her greatest endeavor was raising three talented human beings all of whom love and respect the natural world. To amuse herself, she likes to plant and graft heirloom fruit trees, especially apples, nuts, and unusual perennial vegetables in freeform - not rows. Rambling through the woodlot to check on her beloved trees, cooking up a farm to table meal, wearing flannel and making people smile are a few things she finds comforting.

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Joyce Ford
Treasurer of the Board of Directors

Joyce Ford, and her husband, Jim Riddle, moved from Minnesota to New Hampshire in 2020. Joyce and Jim still own their certified organic Blue Fruit Farm in Winona, MN, but are mentoring a younger couple to take over and buy the farm. Blue Fruit Farm is located on an organic land cooperative in SE MN where they built their own home and used solar and wind energy for many years. Soil fertility, conservation and problem prevention are the main tenets of their organic farm management program. Joyce has been an organic farmer since the 1980’s and an organic inspector and auditor for over 30 years. She and her husband, Jim Riddle, helped organize the Winona Farmers Market in Winona, MN. She co-authored the International Organic Inspectors Association (IOIA) inspector curriculum manuals, the Organic Trade Association Good Organic Retailing Practices, and the certification chapter in Organic Dairy Farming. She has trained organic inspectors for the IOIA and monitored pipeline construction on organic farms, enforcing MN Agricultural Impact Mitigation Plan’s Organic Appendix. She served on the MN Healthy Food Charter Steering Committee and other local committees. She has expertise on organic certification, specifically in developing record-keeping systems.

Joyce and Jim were awarded the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) Organic Farmer of the Year in 2019, for their outstanding work in conservation, outreach and farming innovations.

Joyce enjoys hiking, fishing, and helping take care of their 2 granddaughters here in Weare, NH. She currently lives on Emerald Lake in Hillsborough. Joyce has served on a number of boards, and is looking forward to being of service to NOFA-NH.

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Ken Koerber
Secretary of the Board of Directors

Ken got his start in farming in the early 1950’s working the family garden. The garden was less than 1000 square feet located on the edge of an abandoned farm that abutted the postage-sized lot in a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. It was his job to fork in the annual load of cow manure! Fast forward; after graduating from college (yes, he even kept a small garden in Cambridge, MA during a summer semester) and marrying his wife, he started his career as an engineer working with NASA and military systems. It was at this time that “Silent Spring” alerted people to the pervasive residues of pesticides on their produce. Ken and his wife decided to purchase a farm so they could grow their own food. That decision led to the acquisition of a 150 acre farm in Dunbarton, NH, where he currently runs a cut-flower operation utilizing several hoop houses as well as an open garden. Ken has always been passionate about sharing knowledge and encouraging people to grow something to stay in contact with the natural world. When he retired he took the Master Gardener training which led to taking lead on the development of the teaching garden at the NH Audubon Massabesic Center and the rejuvenation of the Herb Garden at Shaker Village. His farm has hosted WWOOFers for many years and is a destination for apartment dwellers seaking a day in the garden. In his spare time he hopes to complete a post & beam blacksmith shop to finally have his own forge!

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LaFortune Djabea
Member of the Board of Directors

LaFortune Jeannette Djabea was born and raised in Cameroon and came to the US in 2000. In 2016 she started Mola Foods with the goal to celebrate the rich diversity of Africa by providing high-quality, authentic products and culinary experiences. With a passion for culinary arts and a commitment to diversity and inclusion, she brings her unique cultural perspective to the food industry, creating delicious and innovative dishes that celebrate her heritage.

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Benée Hershon
Member of the Board of Directors

One of Benée's greatest passions is connecting others with nature and doing active conservation work in agriculture and working landscapes. She currently serves as the Community Engagement Director for the Cheshire County Conservation District (CCCD). In 2023, Benée took time away from the Granite State to work as a farmworker on vegetable farms throughout the east coast and returned to her role at the CCCD with a deeper understanding of our food system. Benée offers social media and digital communications consulting services for farms, food, and environmental organizations. She is passionate about uplifting and engaging local communities through storytelling, and is thrilled to work with farmers and organizations in this capacity. Benée is excited to be back in the Monadnock Region and to support organic farmers and gardeners through NOFA-NH!

Joan O'Connor
Member of the Board of Directors

Joan O’Connor has a long history of leading and supporting agriculture and farmers’ markets initiatives in New Hampshire. She’s enjoyed over 25 years as the owners of Joan’s Famous Composting Worms, selling at Farmers’ Markets and leading workshops. She served as a Market Manager in Manchester and Site Manager for a multi-farmer CSA. She founded and directed the successful Concord Winter Farmers’ Market for two years, and the Tilton Winter Farmers' Market and the Tilton Farmers’ Markets for four years. In 2016, she worked with NH legislators to bring forward Senate Bill 306, a law which now allows beer and wine sampling at farmers’ markets. Joan spent the first 21 years of her career selling on the road as a Manufacturers’ Representative for jewelry manufacturers, importers, designers, craftspeople and artists. She lives in Henniker, New Hampshire in a one-room, renovated schoolhouse with her cats and worms. 

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James Stever
Member of the Board of Directors

James Stever owns and operates Generation Farm in Concord, New Hampshire. He has been growing and selling certified organic produce for over a decade. James is passionate about responsible agriculture; utilizing solar power, low till techniques, and fostering a diverse 60 acre forest habitat around growing areas. 


James shares a common goal and mission with NOFA-NH, which is to provide his community with fresh food farmed responsibly. As a board member James hopes to be a strong advocate for small organic farms and hopes to strengthen our local food economy by promoting interest of small local producers. 

Board Committees
NOFA-NH's Board Committees are made up of Board, staff members and volunteers:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Co-Chairs: Xochiquetzal Berry & Nikki Kolb,
Members: Joan O'Connor, Emma Dooley, Kyle Jacoby, Denise Rico, & Teresa Downey

Finance & Quality Assurance - Chair: Joyce Ford
Members: Denise Rico, Ken Koerber, Steve Forde, James Stever

Governance -  Chair: Karl Johnson
Members: Julie Davenson, Nikki Kolb, Xochiquetzal Berry

Education & Policy - Chair: Julie Davenson
Members: Kate Dobrowski, Amy Antonucci,
Joan O'Connor, Gene Jonas, Sarah Gilliatt, Phillip Browne, Jim Riddle, Shaune Hickson, James Stever, Benée Hershon, Kyle Jacoby, Nikki Kolb, & Teresa Downey

We're always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join our committees!
Please email with your interest, and to learn more.

Office Hours

By appointment. Please email us or call to schedule.


Main Phone & Email

(603) 224-5022


Office Staff

Xochiquetzal Berry

Marketing & Communications Coordinator


Kyle Jacoby

Education Program Coordinator


Nikki Kolb

Operations Manager


Denise Rico

Bulk Order & Finance Coordinator


Teresa Downey

Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) Coordinator


Kathryn Downey

AmeriCorps VISTA Food Access Coordinator

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Meet Our Board of Directors
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