NOFA-NH's annual Spring Bulk Order is a discounted, collective buying program for organic farming and gardening supplies. Shop Online now through February 28, 2019. Mail order catalog coming soon.
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Save the Date for NOFA-NH's Organic Vegetable Gardening Workshop Series
Apply to Participate in the Farm Share Program
Are you certified organic, a member of NOFA-NH and have a CSA? If so, apply to participate in our Farm Share Program for financial assistance providing a subsidized farm share to limited-income individuals and families. Applications due February 15, 2019.
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NOFA-NH CRAFT Farm Tours & Conversation Starting June 1st!
Tour three Merrimack County farms this growing season as part of our CRAFT program (Collaborative Regional Alliances for Farmer Training) and visit the places where real, local organic vegetables are being grown. See, Walk, Learn & Network. FREE to NOFA-NH members, Farmers and Farm Workers. Tickets: $5 per person, $10 per family. All proceeds go to the hosting farms. Registration Required.

Apply for Reduced Cost CSAs Through Our Farm Share Program!
The NOFA-NH Farm Share Program provides low-income NH residents with certified organic farm shares consisting of a season's worth of local, fresh farm products at a reduced cost. Eligible NH residents are invited to apply to receive reduced cost farm shares from participating farms by May 20th:.
We are thrilled to continue our Farm Share Program in 2019 thanks to generous support from the New Hampshire Electric Co-op Foundation.

NOFA-NH is Hiring for Gleaning Coordinator!
NOFA-NH is hiring a Gleaning Coordinator to work in the Grafton County/Plymouth area. The Gleaning Coordinator will develop relationships with local farms and recipient organizations, recruit and train volunteers, and implement gleanings throughout the area. This is a part-time, seasonal position, running from May to December. Please send your cover letter and resume to info@nofanh.org. This position will remain open until filled. View the job description at the link below.

Support NOFA-NH in June at Nature's Green Grocer in Peterborough
Nature's Green Grocer in Peterborough, NH, will be donating a portion of proceeds to NOFA-NH through their Green Giving Program this summer, starting with a Round Up program in June! Throughout the month, customers will have the option to "round up" their total to the nearest dollar and the difference will be donated to NOFA-NH. NOFA-NH will also be one of three local organizations featured on donation boxes by the entrance of the store throughout the quarter. For every $50 that a customer spends, Nature’s Green Grocer donates $0.25. Customers are awarded a wooden token that they can deposit in whichever donation box they'd like, and Nature’s Green Grocer donates the value of all the tokens at the end of the quarter to the recipient organizations. Thank you Nature’s Green Grocer, and your customers!

Support NOFA-NH During NH Gives: June 11 - 12, 2019
NH Gives is a statewide 24-hour online fundraising event from June 11 -12th. NOFA-NH will be participating again this year, and we need your help to make 2019's NH Gives our most successful yet!
NOFA-NH uses every cent of your donations on important programs like our Farm Share Program, Gleaning, CRAFT, Bulk Order, Winter Conference, and other educational activities. Please help us continue to provide the programs you love this June!

When Certified Organic Isn't Available, Ask the Right Questions at the Farmers Market - A Cornucopia Guide
“Cornucopia’s handy DIY Certification Guide helps market patrons ask farmers the kinds of insightful questions that an organic certifying agent would ask when inspecting an organic farm. The guide helps ensure you are rewarding the most ethical farmers who care for their animals and the land, while bringing home the healthiest food for your family. Questions detailed in the guide fall under three main categories: Is it local? How was it grown? How was it raised? Discover the difference between free-range and pastured eggs, the importance of soil health for combating plant diseases, and the differing approaches to animal welfare practices.” – Reprinted from Cornucopia.

USDA Will Appoint 5 New Members to the NOSB – Nominations Due 5/17
The USDA will be appointing 5 new members to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) later this year: an environmentalist, a farmer, a retailer, and 2 handlers. USDA is also accepting nominations of qualified candidates to fill future unexpected vacancies in any of the 7 categories representing the scope of the organic agricultural community. The nomination deadline is May 17. The National Organic Coalition (NOC) is seeking to identify and endorse a full slate of nominees, and will also be considering ways to ensure that the USDA appoints individuals who will represent the organic community well and protect organic integrity.Please email Abby Youngblood if you know of any individuals who are interested.

Stonyfield's Playfree Initiative Promotes Organic Fields
“Stonyfield Organic has cared about organic fields where cows graze and where fruits and veggies grow for more than 35 years. They now have a new mission: to help make all playing fields organic and free from harmful chemicals. Over 26 million kids play on fields and 65% of fields are sprayed with harmful pesticides. Learn about Stonyfield's initiative Playfree here.
Together with the support of experts and advocates Stonyfield will be helping communities (several of them in New Hampshire) to manage fields and backyards organically and free from the use of harmful pesticides. Learn about changing your community here.” - Reprinted from NHACC's April e-news

First the Dairies, Then the Blueberries? Updates from the Real Organic Symposium
The Real Organic Project’s crucial symposium on the current state of Organics took place on March 2nd at Dartmouth College. Anyone who cares about the way their food is grown (and who pays a premium price for organics), or who is growing for the organic market will find this link worthwhile. It has information to read as well as video recordings of some of the Symposium’s speeches. Dave Chapman’s talk, entitled “After One Year, Why Were We Created and Where Are We Headed” (the second video), provides an overview of the challenges that are undermining local organic production across the United States.
The following links provide additional insights into the present difficulties confronting humane, family-farm scale, milk producers - and eaters who depend on the healthy foods that these people provide.

Fifth Annual Northeast Gathering on Domestic Fair Trade
The NOFA Domestic Fair Trade Committee invites activists from the Northeast Region who are engaged in projects and organizing efforts that come under the broad heading of Domestic Fair Trade to come together to share their work and ideas and to discuss possible collaboration for the immediate future at this summer’s Free Open Meeting on Friday August 9th, at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA, held in conjunction with the annual NOFA Summer Conference scheduled for that weekend.

Results From the 2017 Census of Agriculture Are Good for Organics!
The organic results from the 2017 Census of Agriculture yielded positive findings for organic farmers. The data determined that the number of organic farms and the value of sales both increased from 2012 to 2017. The number of organic farms increased by 39%, while the average value of sales per farm went up 84%. The data also revealed that organic producers are younger and more likely to be full time farmers. 17% of organic farmers are age 34 or younger, 64% of organic farmers primary occupation was farming, and 37% of organic farmers were female. More good news: the average value of sales per organic farm was $401,000 compared to $190,000 for ‘all farms.’

Legal Fact Sheets on Food Donations & More for NH Producers & Eaters
The Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic created the following legal fact sheets on food recovery options, liability protections, tax incentives and other issues in New Hampshire: New Hampshire Food Donation: Food Scraps for Animals, New Hampshire Food Donation: Tax Incentives, New Hampshire Food Donation: Liability Protections, and New Hampshire Food Donation: Date Labels. View the full documents on our Resources webpage.

Meet Our Members: Introducing Jennifer Wilhelm and Fat Peach Farm
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why we offer our members with farms and farm-related businesses eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' e-news column. Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Featured members are chosen by random lottery.
Work Song Farm Seeks Full-Time Year-Round Employee
Work Song Farm seeks full-time year-round employee to start before Aug. 2019. We’re a small-scale diverse organic vegetable farm located just outside Concord. No experience needed. Enthusiasm required. Contact Dan and Abby for more details. Worksongfarm@gmail.com; 603-219-0297.
Kiko & Nubian kids born January-March
​Dam raised in CAE, CL, Johne’s, TB, Brucellosis tested and clean herd. No antibiotics or chemical wormers used. Dams fed non-GMO pellets. Herd fed certified organic hay (in transition). Call or text 603.439.0083, email MeatMe@GapmountainGoats.com or visit www.GapMountainGoats.com
Brand new never been used Milky FJ15 Stainless Steel, 3.5 gallon Eco Minipasteurizer
​For sale. Paid $625 for it. Willing to sell for $550. You can view the product here. Educational summer camp. Need larger and more involved system for licensing purposes. Lynne Boudreau, lynne@kroka.org, 603-903-4231.
Brookford Farm Spring Plant Sale
​Every Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, May 18th - June 8th. 250 West Road, Canterbury NH. We will have a large variety of organic vegetable plants available for your garden or planters, grown right here at Brookford Farm. Farm made food will be available for purchase, our farm store will be open and we will also be offering farm tours and opportunities to meet the farm animals! http://www.brookfordfarm.com/events
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our Classifieds page and in this newsletter. Not yet members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share your Classified with our community, please contact info@nofanh.org.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, June 1: The CRAFT of Farming: Tour of Brookford Farm, Canterbury, NH
June 6 -7: 2019 Slow Living Summit, Brattleboro, VT
June 7 - 9: Strolling of the Heifers Weekend, Brattleboro, VT
June 11 - 12: NH Gives
Tuesday, June 11: NOFA-NH Board Meeting, Concord, NH
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