NOFA-NH E-Newsletter: March 2020
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Join Us for Organic Gardening Workshops in Auburn, NH
Join us for one or all remaining workshops in the "Feeding the Family Organic Gardening Series" at the Massabesic Audubon Center in Auburn, NH. Classes run through April 22! Please Note: Out of concern for the health and well-being of our community members, we are postponing the March 18 workshop until further notice, in an effort to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Please refer to our website for information regarding future postponements or cancellations.

Farmer Application Deadline Extended for Farm Share Program
We’ve extended the deadline for farmers to apply for our Farm Share Program, which provides low-income New Hampshire residents with certified organic farm shares at a discounted rate. Farms must be NOFA-NH members, certified organic, and have an active CSA program in place. Applications due March 20, 2020.

Update on Pesticide Legislation in NH
In keeping with NOFA-NH’s commitment to non-toxic ways of growing food and caring for the land, on Feb. 12 this organization formally endorsed NH House Bills that would have prevented, or at least limited, the spraying of certain synthetic herbicides and pesticides on New Hampshire’s school yards, playgrounds, land, and waterways. While these particular bills, HB:1195, 1190, 1172, 1196, did not receive an ‘expedient to legislate’ pass from the Ag. and Env. Committee, momentum continues to grow in NH, other states, and in other parts of the world to enact similar legislation to protect the public health, and our foundational commonwealth of water, land, clean air and biodiversity.

21-Day Racial Equity Challenge
Join thousands across the U.S. for the 21-day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge, March 30 through April 19. Deepen your understanding of, and willingness to confront, racism by committing to reflecting and learning for 21 consecutive days. You’ll receive a daily email with a reading, video or audio file and prompts for reflection. Participation includes access to online forums where you can engage and discuss with others in a supported, moderated environment.

Real Organic Project Symposium Postponed
The second annual Real Organic Project (ROP) Symposium will highlight Ted-style talks from 25+ speakers on topics relating to the "real organic farming” movement. At this point the event has been put on hold as the Dartmouth community takes precautions to limit the spread of the Coronavirus. However, in the meantime you can learn more about the real organic movement on their website.

Funding Opportunities for Farmers
Deadlines are approaching for a number of grant opportunities, from financial assistance for young and beginning farmers to funding for research and education.
Young Farmer Grants (Due March 29)
USDA Grants (Deadlines vary)

NOC National Organic Standards Board Meeting: Scholarships & Public Comments
The National Organic Coalition’s National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) Meeting is scheduled for April 29 in Crystal City, VA, with a Pre-Meeting on April 28. The meetings will cover topics such as: the role of organic in fighting climate change, racial equity in the organic movement, eliminating incentives to convert native ecosystems to organic production, and others. Submit written comments or request an oral comment speaking slot by April 3.
NOC is offering scholarships to farmers wishing to attend. Apply Here

Young Farmers' Guide to Produce Safety
A Small Farmer’s Practical Guide to Food Safety is a free resource, put together by the National Young Farmers Coalition, on how to legally comply with the Produce Safety Rule. The guide includes training agendas, template standard operating procedures, suggestions for how to set up a washing station, and so much more.

Meet Our Members: Introducing John E. Carroll, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Conservation
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why we offer our members with farms and farm-related businesses eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' e-news column. Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Featured members are chosen by random lottery.
Welcome New & Renewing Members
Thank you to our NOFA-NH Members who became new members and renewed their membership in February & March 2020.
New Members:
Joan Marie Harris, Edward Staub
Renewing Members:
Michael Andrews, David Beasley, Blueberry Bay Farm, Phil Browne, John and Diana Carroll, Chanticleer Gardens, Coffin Cellars Winery, Gap Mountain Goats, Laura Hartz, His Harvest Farm, Ken and Susan Koerber, Vincent Mamone, Karen Merriam, Andrew Messenger, Valerie Piedmont, Denise Renk, Carolyn Sheehan, Alberta Snow, David Trumble, Dawn Waites, Windcrest Farm, Tim Winship
Items for Sale
Soil Block Maker: Makes four 2 inch soil blocks for seedlings and transplanting. New. $25
3”, 4”, and 5” pots Large quantity. Make an offer.
Contact forthemary@gmail.com if interested.
Certified Organic Farmers Seek Land in Lakes Region
Certified organic, vegetable & cut flower growers, in the Lakes Region of NH for 10 years, recently lost land lease now looking to purchase a property 15-50 +/- ac. (that includes 5-15 acres of prime ag. soils). We do not need it to have a house and it can't have numerous large buildings in disrepair. The price must fall under $400k notwithstanding creative financing arrangements that would reduce the final asking price (such as conservation easements, etc.) Please contact Aaron & Liz Lichtenberg, Winnipesaukee Woods Farm, winniwoodsfarm.com, woodlandsfarmer@gmail.com 603-855-2093
Chanticleer Gardens Seeks Summer Intern
Chanticleer Gardens, a cut flower farm in Dunbarton, is looking for an intern for the summer to assist with all aspects of the business. Activities range from seed starting to harvest and include arranging flowers for bouquets and weddings. If interested in experiencing this form of farming, please contact Ken at kckoerber@gsinet.net.
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our Classifieds page and in this newsletter. Not yet members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share your Classified with our community, please contact info@nofanh.org.
Please Note: The views and opinions expressed in these classifieds are those of our members and sponsors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors. We reserve the right to reject content deemed unsuitable or inappropriate for our readership and distribution.
Upcoming Events
Please check in with event hosts about possible cancellations.
*POSTPONED* Wednesday, March 18: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Container and Raised Bed Gardening (Auburn)
March 21: Seacoast NH Permaculture Fruit Tree Grafting (Dover)
March 21 - 22: NH Maple Weekend (Statewide) 
Wednesday, March 25: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Diseases: A Fungus Among Us (Auburn)
March 30 - April 19: Food Solutions New England's 21-Day Habit Building Racial Equity Challenge (Online)
Wednesday, April 1: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Pests: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (Auburn)
April 4: SlowFood Seacoast "Seed to Soil Garden Conference" (Kittery, ME)
Wednesday, April 8: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Growing Your Favorite Veggies (Auburn)
Wednesday, April 15: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Growing Great Tasting Tomatoes (Auburn)
April 18: Souhegan Sustainability Fair (Wilton)
April 18: Seacoast NH Permaculture Permaculture Gardening: No-till Soil Management (Barrington)
Wednesday, April 22: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: A Four Season Harvest (Auburn)
May 8: Seacoast NH Permaculture Perennial Vegetable Introduction (Portsmouth)​
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