NOFA-NH E-Newsletter: July 2020
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The "CRAFT of Farming" Virtual Tour with Work Song Farm
Join us on July 30, 7-8 pm, for an educational virtual tour of Work Song Farm — the first tour of NOFA-NH's “CRAFT of Farming” series! Farmers Dan and Abby will show you around the farm and talk about starting small and staying small, then we’ll do a live Q & A where you can ask them questions about their farming practices and operation. Stay tuned for information on future tours!

Organic Gardening: Wick Irrigation & More!
In the last month, NOFA-NH produced two more educational organic gardening videos with Ron Christie, owner of Living Earth Farm: “Wick Irrigation for Seedlings & Transplants” and “Wick Irrigation for Container Growing”. You can watch the whole series on our YouTube channel.

NOFA Summer Conference Starts 7/20
This year, the NOFA Summer Conference is going virtual! It’s going to be a great 3 weeks of the summer with all the gardeners, farmers, growers and food-lovers from across the country sharing their inspiration and ideas for organic food, farming, health, activism, and beyond. Join us for this solutions-oriented annual celebration of the grassroots organic movement with workshops, meet-ups, dance parties and more — There’s still time to register! Scholarships are available! Apply here.

Organic Land Care Accreditation Course Goes Virtual
The NOFA Organic Land Care Program is offering their Accreditation Course in Organic Land Care online for the first time this August! Landscapers, groundskeepers, land managers, and anyone interested in organic land management are invited to this 4-week course. A total of 8 sessions that will cover soil science, lawn and turf management, site design analysis, pest control, stormwater management, compost and compost tea, and more. Learn sustainable landscaping practices from the comfort of your own home!

Addressing USDA Organic Integrity Concerns
The organic certification of hydroponic operations is a concern among organic farmers, consumers, and other organizations. “Soil is central to organic production,” and organic farmers work hard to build soil biology and manage soil nutrients. Hydroponic growers don’t have to manage soil, and they use soluble synthetic nutrients to keep their plants healthy.
The importation of large quantities of fraudulent organic grain is another concern, according to the Real Organic Project. Organic dairies and poultry operations that comply with the law suffer a competitive disadvantage, as producers using the fraudulent grain have lesser costs and can ultimately charge less for their products.
The USDA has been working to address this issue because concerned citizens have spoken out and exposed this type of fraud. The Strengthening Organic Enforcement proposed rule will be soon published in the Federal Registrar; but a draft of the rule is available on the AMS website. Once the proposed rule is published, anyone can provide feedback and comments in their 60-day window. Stay tuned for more information on this topic!

Mexico Phases Out Glyphosate While US Rejects Link to Cancer
Mexico recently committed to phasing out the use of glyphosate and will completely ban the herbicide by 2024. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Bayer AG’s (formerly Monsanto’s) Roundup weed killer, is recognized as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
Meanwhile, in the United States, on June 22 a District Court rejected California’s decision to require cancer warning labels on glyphosate products. Beyond Pesticides breaks down the court decision and offers a list of practical steps people can take to reduce the prevalence of glyphosate in the food system and the environment at large.

Food Justice and Sustainability
Sustainability and justice in the food system are interconnected — from the European colonization of stolen land in North America in the 16th century, to the enslavement of African people, to institutional racism and sexism at the USDA. And that’s only focusing on one end of the food system; in fact, it exists throughout. Today, in order to move toward building more sustainable food systems, we need to center social justice in the process. Sustainability needs to be seen as an outgrowth of our commitment to the Planet, the common good, and the health of future generations.

August is NH Eats Local Month
Did you know that if every person in New Hampshire spent $5 of their grocery money on local foods every week throughout the year, it would put over $338 million back into the state’s economy? August is NH Eats Local Month — a month-long celebration of local foods in our state and the hardworking NH farmers, fishers and food businesses that provide for us all year long.

NH Feeding NH: An Opportunity for Farmers
Attention NH Farmers: The NH Food Bank, NH Farm Bureau Federation, NOFA-NH, and the NH Food Alliance have partnered to create a program that will help reduce food waste, support our local economy, and nourish communities in need called NH Feeding NH. The NH Food Bank has received funding for local food pantries to make direct purchases from NH Farms. We’re asking farmers to fill out a short Farmer Assessment Survey in order to build our network and connect food pantries across the state with local farms in their region. This is your last chance to fill out the survey by Friday, July 17.

COVID-19 Relief Programs for NH Businesses
Last month we mentioned that small farms in New Hampshire didn’t qualify for the state’s COVID-19 Emergency Funds. NOFA-NH and 18 other organizations around the state signed a letter urging Governor Sununu, Agricultural Commissioner Jasper, and the GOFERR Advisory Board to reconsider the CARES Act eligibility criteria. Board Member Colleen O’Brien and NOFA-NH's Policy Committee wrote an Op-Ed published in the Concord Monitor on June 30 that was signed by 12 organizations.
While the application period for that aid is now closed, self-employed farmers may consider applying for aid through the NH Self Employed Livelihood Fund. Applications must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 17.

Northeast BIPOC Farmer Relief Fund: Applications Opening July 20
Are you a BIPOC farmer or fisherperson that has been impacted by COVID-19? Starting on July 20, the Northeast BIPOC Farmer Relief Fund will be accepting applications from BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, or People of Color) producers with priority for those who use sustainable, regenerative or environmentally sound practices and who contribute to their community in some way. Funded by Farm Aid, this fund will provide $500 relief payments for up to 200 applicants. For more information, click here.
Applications will be open until August 10, 2020. Visit pasafarming.org/relief to apply!

Other Funding Opportunities
The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program is currently accepting preproposals for the 2021 grant cycle, through July 23, 2020. Farmers may be interested in the following grants: Research and Education, Professional Development, and Research for Novel Approaches. Full proposals will be due on October 20.

Meet Our Members: Introducing Serendipity Farm
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why we offer our members with farms and farm-related businesses eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' e-news column. Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Featured members are chosen by random lottery.
Welcome New & Renewing Members
Thank you to our NOFA-NH Members who became new members and renewed their membership in June 2020.
Renewing Members:
NOFA/Mass is looking for a new NOFA Conference Workshop Coordinator ASAP!! If you think you would be able to solicit, curate, schedule and oversee educational workshops for the NOFA Summer Conference and NOFA/Mass Winter Conference apply today! https://www.nofamass.org/jobs
Certified organic, vegetable & cut flower growers looking to purchase a property 15-50 +/- ac
Certified organic, vegetable & cut flower growers, in the Lakes Region of NH for 10 years, recently lost land lease now looking to purchase a property 15-50 +/- ac. (that includes 5-15 acres of prime ag. soils). We do not need to have a house and want to avoid numerous large buildings in disrepair. The price must fall under $400k notwithstanding creative financing arrangements that would reduce the final asking price (such as conservation easements, etc.)
Aaron & Liz Lichtenberg, Winnipesaukee Woods Farm, winniwoodsfarm.com, woodlandsfarmer@gmail.com, 603-855-2093.
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our Classifieds page and in this newsletter. Not yet members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share your Classified with our community, please contact info@nofanh.org.
Please Note: The views and opinions expressed in these classifieds are those of our members and sponsors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors. We reserve the right to reject content deemed unsuitable or inappropriate for our readership and distribution.
Upcoming Events
Fridays, 12:00 - 1:00 PM: NH Food Alliance Network Cafe Webinar, a weekly COVID-19 & Equity group call
July 18: NOFA-VT's Pruning Ornamental Shrubs
July 20-August 9: NOFA Summer Conference (online)
July 21: Northeast Farmers of Color's The Black Farmer Fund: Creating Pathways to Land Access & Food Sovereignty for Black Communities
July 23: Grafton County Conservation District's Exploring Winter Production in High Tunnels in the North Country
July 24-26: 2020 Virtual Northeast Permaculture Convergence
July 30: NOFA-NH's CRAFT of Farming Virtual Tour of Work Song Farm
July 30: UNH Extension's No-Till and Low-Till Gardening Facebook Live Workshop
August 4-October 27: UNH Extension's New Farmer School
August 9-September 6: Crop Production Workshop Series at Tufts: Organic Farming and Food Systems (3): Fall Harvest
August 18: Northeast Farmers of Color's Cooperative Land Tenure with Leah Penniman
August 18: NOFA-NY's Field Day Webinar: Growing Resilience with Farm and Garden Seed Stewardship
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