Meet Our Members | January 2021
Name and Occupation: Margaret Witham, Co-owner with Rebecca Hennessy
Business Name: Backyard Garlic

How long have you been a member of NOFA-NH? I believe I have been a member of NOFA - NH since 2015 when we started our business.
Why did you become a member of NOFA-NH? We became members because we wanted to support and stay connected to the Organic Farmers Community. It is very easy to get completely immersed in the day to day of farming / running a business, NOFA has helped us to make connections and continue to gather knowledge.
How has NOFA - NH impacted your business? NOFA-NH has helped us to forge social bonds with farmers and educators in NH and the region.
What is your number one priority for NOFA-NH this year? To continue to educate on how to grow and access healthier food.
How could NOFA-NH help your business grow? Continue to help support and enhance regional sufficiency and understanding of the local and regional food chain.
What advice do you have for anyone thinking of becoming a NOFA member? Not only is it worth joining because of the connections made and great workshops and speakers provided once a year but it is also fun. The people involved are great.
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