NOFA-NH E-Newsletter: February 2020
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Don't Forget to Place Your Bulk Order! Orders Due By February 29th
The deadline for NOFA-NH's annual Spring Bulk Order is coming up! Our Bulk Order program is a collective buying program for discounted organic farming and gardening supplies. NOFA-NH membership is not required, although members pay less.

Register for the "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series in Auburn, NH
We're proud to present the "Feeding the Family Organic Gardening Series" at the Massabesic Center Audubon in Auburn, NH. Join organic farmer and Leading Gardener of the Year Ron Christie for one, two, three or all 9 workshops about vegetable garden planning, healthy soil, container and raised bed gardening, pest management, and so much more this spring. Classes begin March 4th!

Thank You for a Fabulous Winter Conference!
Many thanks to our speakers, sponsors, authors, vendors, attendees, volunteers, Board of Directors and staff for making NOFA-NH's 18th annual Winter Conference such a success!

Congratulations to NOFA-NH's 2020 Annual Awards Winners!
During our Winter Conference, NOFA-NH recognizes the best of the best in our organic farming community. Pictured L to R: Amy Manzelli, Joan O’Connor, Ray Conner, Abby Bower, Sam Bower, France Hahn, Pierre Hahn, Hanna Flanders, Lauren Howard, Ron Christie, Steve Forde

Farmers Welcome to Apply to Participate in NOFA-NH’s Farm Share Program
We invite certified organic farmers with CSA’s to apply to participate in our Farm Share Program, providing low-income New Hampshire residents with certified organic farm shares at a discounted rate. Participating farmers contribute 25% of CSA costs. NOFA-NH and farm share recipients cover the remaining 75%. Farms must have an active CSA program, be certified organic, and members of NOFA-NH to participate.

NOFA-NH Seeks Certified Organic Merrimack County Farmers to Participate in “The CRAFT of Farming”
NOFA-NH is continuing “The CRAFT of Farming” in 2020, our farmer-led peer-to-peer educational farm tours series launched in 2019 with three certified organic farms in Merrimack County. We aim to double the number of participating farms in 2020, expanding both the CRAFT network in NH and the number of farmers, farm workers, gardeners and eaters reached by this program. CRAFT stands for Collaborative Regional Alliances for Farmer Training.

NOFA-NH's 2019 Annual Report
A lot of exciting things happened at NOFA-NH in 2019! We hosted 64 workshops reaching 432 individuals, continued our Winter Conference, Bulk Order and Farm Share programs, launched the “Feeding the Family” Organic Gardening Series, “The CRAFT of Farming,” and our Organic Farm and Food Map. We sold out “The Pollinators” film screening and a whole lot more! See how we did in our beautiful 2-page, easy to read annual report.

Northeast Healthy Soil Network's Symposium: Free For Farmers
On February 20th and 21st, The Northeast Healthy Soils Network will be hosting a symposium on soil health policy and programming at the state level in Northeast states. You are invited! Workshops include: Farm Viability and Measuring Soil Health. General Admission $10. Free for Farmers.

NOFA-NH Supports HB 1638: The Doubling of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) Benefits for Purchasing “Fresh, Local Foods.”
NOFA-NH’s Board unanimously endorsed NH House Bill 1638 and presented testimony to that effect at a Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee Hearing on Jan. 15.
This proposed legislation would generate positive results for New Hampshire’s farmers, people facing food insecurity, and the local food system in general - particularly Farmers Markets, CSA’s, and farm stands that accept EBT payments. Follow the Bill’s progress on the NH Food Alliance’s legislative tracker.

Agroecology is an important food growing practice and concept. Organic agriculture is a vital component of Agroecology since it fundamentally helps people move towards regenerative ways of providing human food. The broader term, Agroecology, reminds us to farm, garden and eat with a conscious regard for living soil and networks of biodiversity, as well as respect for diverse human cultural traditions and rights to food sovereignty.
Here's a fascinating video from Europe about agroecological (organic) endeavors across the Atlantic.

NOFA-NH Testified at State House on Behalf of Four Bills Limiting Pesticide Use
NOFA-NH also testified on behalf of four bills before the House Environment and Agricultural Committee on Feb. 12. These bills would limit state, agricultural, and municipal applications of synthetic pesticides in various ways, including on children's playgrounds and during times of maximum pollinator activity. You can follow the progress of HB 1195, 1190, 1172, and 1196 (and other bills related to gardening, farming and food in general) at the State's General Court Site or on NH Food Alliance's legislative tracker.

New Resource: Farm Land Calculator
The National Young Farmer Coalition has developed a Finding Farmland Calculator to help farmers understand their creditworthiness and financing options when purchasing farmland. This resource, along with the free Finding Farmland Course, helps demystify the process of accessing land and prepares farmers to approach financial decisions with more confidence.

“Globalize Hope,” A New Film from La Via Campesina
La Via Campesina is an international movement bringing together millions of peasants, landless workers, indigenous peoples and migrants from all over the world under its banner of comprehensive agrarian reform and food sovereignty. The new film Globalize Hope “chronicles how La Via Campesina was born more than 28 years ago, as an alternative that brings together struggles, dreams and challenges to build solidarity and secure our collective human future.” Subtitles are available in English, French and Spanish.
Image credit: La Via Campesina

National Farmers Union Board Backs U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement
After providing feedback to House Democrats on prior iterations, the National Farmers Union (NFU) Board of Directors supported the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) in a closely divided vote after improvements and adjustments were made. These improvements included “stronger labor standards, more robust enforcement mechanisms, and some modest improvements to environmental protections,” as well as the removal of provisions that would have inflated health care costs, and the exclusion of the investor-state dispute settlement arbitration procedure that has “encouraged the offshoring of domestic jobs.” While noting that the Agreement remains largely similar to NAFTA in its approach to agriculture, the Union stated that “USMCA neither meaningfully addresses import dumping, which has depressed domestic commodity prices, nor does it reinstate mandatory Country-of-Origin-Labeling (COOL).”
This article was quoted and adapted from the NFU E-News, Issue 444, December 19, 2019.

New H-2A Adverse Effect Wage Rates for 2020
The Federal Register has published the new H-2A Adverse Effect Wage Rates (AEWR) for 2020, which are now $14.29 per hour in New Hampshire. Farms utilizing the H-2A program are required to pay employees the higher of the following: federal or state minimum wage; the "prevailing wage" as determined by the Department of Labor using a special H-2A methodology to conduct wage surveys for each particular task in very local areas; or the AEWR. For NH, this generally means the farms must pay the AEWR. While this rule directly affects Farms that employ H-2A employees, it may serve as guidance to other farms on prevailing wage rates. To learn more about the AEWR rule, check out this thorough article from Farmworker Justice.

Support NOFA-NH This Month at Nature's Green Grocer
Nature's Green Grocer in Peterborough is donating a portion of proceeds to NOFA-NH through their Green Giving Program this winter, starting with a Round Up program in February! Throughout the month, customers will have the option to "round up" their total to the nearest dollar and the difference will be donated to NOFA-NH.

Meet Our New Office Assistant: Laura Angers
Laura recently started a more permanent role with NOFA-NH as our new Office Assistant, after serving as our Gleaning Coordinator this past year. Laura comes to NOFA-NH with several years of experience in administrative support, customer service, digital marketing, retail (produce) sales, and event planning. Laura recently moved to the Capital Area from the Upper Valley, and also works for the Merrimack County Conservation District.

Meet Our Members: Introducing Patty Laughlin and Lorax Landscaping, LLC
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why we offer our members with farms and farm-related businesses eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' e-news column. Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Featured members are chosen by random lottery.
Welcome New & Renewing Members
Thank you to our NOFA-NH Members who became new members and renewed their membership in January & February 2020.
New Members:
Angelo Amengual, Asquam Gardens, Kristopher Kyle Blume, Ferngold, Fiacre Design, A. Paige Kingsley, Late Blooming Daisy, Fred Osborn, Eric Sperry, Acadia Tucker, Margaret Watkins
Renewing Members:
ABC Energy Savings, Thomas Clement, Elior Acres, Shelley Laurie, Paula Les, and Sandi Pierson
Certified Organic Farmers Seek Land in Lakes Region
Certified organic, vegetable & cut flower growers, in the Lakes Region of NH for 10 years, recently lost land lease now looking to purchase a property 15-50 +/- ac. (that includes 5-15 acres of prime ag. soils). We do not need it to have a house and it can't have numerous large buildings in disrepair. The price must fall under $400k notwithstanding creative financing arrangements that would reduce the final asking price (such as conservation easements, etc.) Please contact Aaron & Liz Lichtenberg, Winnipesaukee Woods Farm, winniwoodsfarm.com, woodlandsfarmer@gmail.com 603-855-2093
Chanticleer Gardens Seeks Summer Intern
Chanticleer Gardens, a cut flower farm in Dunbarton, is looking for an intern for the summer to assist with all aspects of the business. Activities range from seed starting to harvest and include arranging flowers for bouquets and weddings. If interested in experiencing this form of farming, please contact Ken at kckoerber@gsinet.net.
ReGenerative Roots Association Seeks to Lease Land to Nashua Area Farmers
The ReGenerative Roots Association is looking for farmers who are interested in leasing land in or around Nashua, NH for vegetable production and/or animal husbandry. We are a grassroots non-profit that provides financial and business support to farmers in the area. E-mail or call Andrew Morin at AndrewMorin@hotmail.com or 603-589-9797.
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our Classifieds page and in this newsletter. Not yet members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share your Classified with our community, please contact info@nofanh.org.
Please Note: The views and opinions expressed in these classifieds are those of our members and sponsors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors. We reserve the right to reject content deemed unsuitable or inappropriate for our readership and distribution.
Upcoming Events
February 14 - 15: Farm and Forest Exposition, Manchester NH
February 15-17: 38th Annual NOFA-VT Winter Conference, Burlington, VT
Monday, February 17: Swine Nutrition Basics Webinar, Online
Tuesday, February 18: NOFA-NH Board Meeting, Concord, NH
February 21-22: The Northeast Healthy Soil Network Symposium, Medford, MA
Saturday, February 22: Seacoast Eat Local’s Farmers Market CSA Day, Rollinsford, NH
Saturday, February 22: Fruit Tree Pruning, Dover, NH
Wednesday, March 4: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Vegetable Garden Planning, Auburn, NH
Tuesday, March 10: NH Food System Statewide Gathering, Plymouth, NH
Wednesday, March 11: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Starting Transplants From Seed, Auburn, NH
Thursday, March 12: Plan Your Garden for Food Preservation, Barrington, NH
Saturday, March 14: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Healthy Soil for Happy Plants and Higher Yields, Auburn, NH
Wednesday, March 18: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Container and Raised Bed Gardening, Auburn, NH
March 19-22: Slow Fish 2020 & Slow Food Northeast Gathering, Durham, NH
March 20-22: Annie's Project Managing for Today & Tomorrow, An Estate & Succession Planning Retreat for Women Farmers, Fairlee, VT
March 21 - 22: NH Maple Weekend, Statewide
Wednesday, March 25: ""Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Diseases: A Fungus Among Us, Auburn, NH
Wednesday, April 1: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Pests: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, Auburn, NH
April 3 - 4: Real Organic Project Symposium, Dartmouth, NH
Wednesday, April 8: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Growing Your Favorite Veggies, Auburn, NH
Wednesday, April 15: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: Growing Great Tasting Tomatoes, Auburn, NH
Saturday, April 18: Permaculture Gardening: No-till Soil Management, Barrington, NH
Wednesday, April 22: "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series: A Four Season Harvest, Auburn, NH
What's happening in neighboring states?
NOFA/Mass Events | NOFA-VT Events | MOFGA Events
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