NOFA-NH's Farmer Relief Fund: Applications Open
Many New Hampshire farmers have faced a number of challenges in the 2023 growing season due to frost, freeze, and flood events. In order to best support our Granite State community of small family farmers, NOFA-NH has established a Farmer Relief Fund that has raised nearly $29,000. We welcome all New Hampshire farmers to apply to receive funding in order to make up for some losses they have experienced.
New Hampshire crop and livestock farmers who have been impacted by frost, freeze, and flood events of 2023 and have suffered hardship and financial loss as a result are eligible to apply. Funds are reserved for certified organic NH farms or NOFA-NH member farms that have the highest need (organic certification is not a requirement to receive funding, but if you are not certified organic then you must be a NOFA-NH member). You can become a member here. A Standard Membership costs $45 and a Student/Senior Membership costs $30 - anyone can become a member at any time. Low cost Scholarship Memberships are available for $20 for those who need them. Please let us know if this cost is a barrier for you. All membership levels receive the same benefits.
Applications will be accepted through November 5th. Please use this Google Form to submit your application. NOFA-NH may reach out to you for supporting documents and information. Once the application window closes, a selection committee will review all applications and get back to you in late November.
NOFA-NH will only use this information for processing applications. We will not share this information with any other individuals or organizations unless required by law.
info@nofanh.org | 603-224-5022
Climate Impact on New Hampshire Farms
NOFA-NH Questionnaire & Farmer Relief Fund

In the wake of devastating floods across southern NH and our neighbors in Vermont, farms throughout the state and region are experiencing unimaginable losses. If you are a farmer impacted by these storms, and/or other extreme weather events of 2023, please let us know by filling out this brief questionnaire. We will use this information to provide support and coordinate resources to aid recovery efforts for those farms affected. We plan to share aggregated data with both state and federal funders.
Please reach out to us if you require additional support.
NOFA-NH is committed to supporting our community during this incredibly difficult season. It's now more important than ever for all of us to show up for the folks who keep us fed! You can help farmers in your community who have been affected by donating to our Emergency Farmer Relief Fund, volunteering with local farms in their efforts to repair and rebuild post disaster, and by continuing to shop local.
Thank you for your solidarity and support!
If you are a NH farmer who has been affected by flooding, frost, or freeze damage in 2023, the resources below may help: