Resources for Coping With COVID-19
NOFA-NH has been gathering resources to help our community cope with the Coronavirus pandemic. Despite the trying nature of these times, we see this moment as an opportunity to come together to recognize the importance of our food and farming community (from a safe distance).
In addition to the below collection, we encourage readers to visit our comprehensive Resources webpage for farmers, gardeners, educators and eaters, and E-newsletter Archive.
We’ll be updating this page on an ongoing basis, and invite you write to us at info@nofanh.org with resources that could be added to this list. Wishing good health to all.
Food Access
NOFA-NH's Farm Share Program: The 2020 Farm Share Program will provide 41 discounted certified organic community supported agriculture (CSA) shares to low-income NH residents. Applications for are open through Friday April 24th.
NOFA-NH's Organic Farm and Food Map: A list of organic farms and farm products across New Hampshire. During this time of uncertainty, farmers around the state are continuing to work hard to serve their communities. Please support them by buying local!
UNH Extension new food access map that shows dozens of locations to find food across the state - please make sure to share this excellent resource. If you are a food access site with extra food or are in need of food donations, add yourself to the map.
UNH Extension's New Hampshire Farm Products map is helping connect farmers and consumers.
Meals 4 Kids: USDA was able to make temporary changes so that meals may be taken home, and parents or guardians may pick meals for their children if the state allows. Families can use this tool to find directions to nearby sites as well as hours of operation and contact information.
Farm to Institution New England COVID-19 Matchmaking: A working spreadsheet connecting institutional food, resources, labor, and technical assistance. More FINE resources can be found here.
Meals for Henniker – A grassroots movement driven by our Winter Conference Coordinator Monica Rico, who has been hustling to provide meals for Henniker children, families, seniors, and others in need. Apply to get food here. Donate here. We are thankful for Monica’s efforts, and also to Board Member Steve Forde and his wife Dawn for their support.
NH Food Support - UNH Extension's resource to find food and resources that support you in eating well no matter your budget.
Announcements, Guidance & Guidelines
Guidance from the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food: A message from New Hampshire's Commissioner of Agriculture and links to other useful resources.
Interim Guidance for Agriculture Workers and Employers, from the CDC
Guidelines for Health & Safety Planning: A 2-page document from the Agricultural Justice Project on how to prioritize health and safety amid coronavirus on the farm.
ATTRA resources to help understand the pandemic and how it affects your farming operation. Understanding Organic Pricing and Costs of Production provides resources to compare organic and non-organic agricultural prices, discusses organic production costs, and offers tips on how to set organic crop prices. Community Supported Agriculture provides a foundation and tools for farmers looking to begin a CSA operation. It also explores many variations to the traditional model that have developed over the last generation and looks into what the future might hold for CSA.
Public Health Recommendations for Community-Related Exposure, from the CDC
Best Management Practices for Farmers Markets: Thinking through Operations during a Pandemic and Beyond, UNH Extension Webinar (May 22, 2020)
Produce Safety Program “Partial Stop Work Order,” NH Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food (April 1, 2020)
Financial Support
Northeast BIPOC Farmer Relief Fund (Applications due August 10, 2020)
USDA's Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (May 26, 2020)
SBA: Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance programs (May 4, 2020)
Farmers' Legal Action Group: Farmers' Guide to COVID-19 Relief (April 27, 2020)
$3 Billion in Coronavirus Response Funds Available to Food Hubs and Distributors to Provide Fresh Food Boxes to Those in Need (April 22, 2020)
USDA Implements Immediate Measures to Help Rural Residents, Businesses and Communities Affected by COVID-19 (April 8, 2020)
COVID-19 Rapid Response Seed Funding from the New England Grassroots Fund
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition: A Closer Look at Farmer Relief in Senate Pandemic Aid Package (March 26, 2020)
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition: $27 Million in Grant Funding Available for Farmers Markets and Local Food Projects (March 24, 2020)
American Farmland Trust Launches Fund to Help Farmers Affected By the COVID-19 Crisis (March 24, 2020)
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition: RFA Roundup: Spring 2020 Funding Opportunities (March 4, 2020)
Other Lists of Resources
UNH Cooperative Extension and NH Food Alliance continue to post announcements, news articles, resources, and FAQs for NH farmers, educators, and parents relating to COVID-19.
COVID-19 Information for Growers, Food Workers & the Agriculture Industry, from Rutgers On-Farm Food Safety
Farm to Institution New England has gathered a list of resources relating to food access, farm to school, farm to campus, farmers markets, health care, fishing and seafood, corrections, remote work, financial support, and more.
Land for Good resources for supporting adapting and sustaining farm businesses amid COVID-19.
NH Farm Bureau has also gathered state specific and federal resources to help guide New Hampshire farmers and food producers.
The Agricultural Justice Project compiled a list of COVID-19 resources for farms and people wanting to support farmers, farmworkers, and food system workers.​
NH Center for Nonprofits: Coronavirus, COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofits
Educational Opportunities for Farmers, Gardeners & Eaters
Cooperative Gardens Commission resources to help first-time gardeners succeed, build more resilient communities, and support existing food sovereignty projects and network
The Carbon Sequestering Garden: Gardening for the Planet While Growing Some of the Best Food Possible
Forum-Style Calls for Farmers: UNH Extension is hosting one-hour, online Zoom calls for NH farmers to discuss adaptation strategies, concerns, and needs in response to the novel coronavirus.
NOFA & MOFGA Resources for Other Northeast States