Meet Our Members | August 2019
Name and Occupation: Maggie and Ben O'Brien, Owners
Business Name: Three Sisters Farm

How long have you been a member of NOFA-NH? We've been members for 7 years.
Why did you become a member of NOFA-NH? We became members because we like to stay connected to the farming community. The spring NOFA bulk order offers us huge savings on bulk seeds and supplies.
How has NOFA-NH impacted your business? The NOFA bulk order has given us access to the most affordable organic cover crop seed and farm supplies.
What's your number one priority for NOFA-NH this year? We would love more workshops on no-till or low-till farming practices.
What advice do you have for anyone thinking about becoming a NOFA-NH member? We highly recommend becoming a member of NOFA-NH.
Does your business have any upcoming activities or events you would like to share with the NOFA-NH community? Come visit us on Sundays at our stand at the Dover, NH farmers market!​
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