NOFA-NH E-Newsletter: August 2020
Sign up for our Monthly E-News here.

Learn the "CRAFT of Farming"
Our virtual CRAFT program is off to a great start — we kicked off the series with tours of Work Song Farm and Hip Peas Farm. If you missed the first two, there are still 4 tours remaining!
Please note that all tours will be held online, via Zoom. Free for farmers, farm workers and NOFA-NH members. $5 for individuals, $10 for families. Scholarship tickets available!

August Is NH Eats Local Month
Isn’t it rather refreshing and empowering to realize that our daily decisions and choices can help to ensure that we have nutritious local organic veggies, eggs, and milk produced right here in NH? How we eat, how we allocate our resources (and votes!) helps determine whether or not there are amazing farm stands and farm-to-table cafes in our towns and countryside; whether the people who are growing the food have fair wages and safe working conditions; whether the water supplies and atmosphere are clean or contaminated, whether the domesticated animals who give us food have good lives. Here’s an excellent article about how this principle applies to the meat industry, and beyond.

NH Feeding NH Is Underway!
The NH Food Bank, NH Food Alliance, NOFA-NH, and the NH Farm Bureau Federation have partnered to launch “NH Feeding NH,” which will connect network food pantries with local farmers in their area to create partnerships and provide them with the funding to purchase more fresh, local foods. Over 60 food pantries and 70 farmers have signed up to participate. Farmers may inquire about becoming a farm partner by contacting Brendan Cornwell at bcornwell@nhfoodbank.org. This is an exciting step in creating a program that benefits local farmers while nourishing communities, reducing food waste and strengthening our state’s economy. We hope to continue NH Feeding NH for years to come.

Share the Bounty Day: Save the Date and Call for Partners
NOFA-NH's second annual Share the Bounty Day fundraiser will take place on September 19, 2020. Partner organizations around the state donate a portion of their sales or make a flat donation to help support our Farm Share Program in 2021. Last year, our partners raised funds to support 126 low-income NH residents with 43 discounted farm shares.
Interested in becoming a partner? Contact Nikki at nikki@nofanh.org.

"Round It Up" for NOFA-NH at Monadnock Food Co-Op in September
The Monadnock Food Co-op will be donating funds raised from their September "Round It Up" program to NOFA-NH. Customers will have the option to round up their change to the nearest dollar at the register, and the difference will be donated to NOFA-NH to support our 2021 Farm Share Program. Thank you, Monadnock Food Co-op and your customers!
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Changes to National Organic Standards Proposed
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has drafted sweeping changes to the National Organic Standards in an effort to prevent fraud in the organic supply chain. In a summary of its Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) Proposed Rule published Aug. 5, USDA noted the proposed amendments are intended to protect integrity in the organic supply chain and build consumer and industry trust in the USDA organic label by strengthening organic control systems, improving farm to market traceability, and providing robust enforcement of the USDA organic regulations. The rule would reduce the types of businesses exempt from organic certification, clarify record keeping and fraud prevention procedures to improve supply chain traceability, require electronic NOP Import Certificates for all organic products entering the US, and standardize requirements for onsite inspections of organic operations. The comment period is open until October 5, 2020. Follow the National Organic Coalition’s blog posts to learn more details, or click on this link to provide your comments.

Opportunities for Farmers
The deadline for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) has been extended to September 11. Changes have also been made to the list of eligible commodities — nursery crops and cut flowers have been added to the list, along with select specialty crops. Click here to find out if you’re eligible and to apply.
The USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is accepting applications for Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP). Under this program, producers can receive reimbursement for up to 50% of eligible expenses, up to $500 per scope. (Note: This aid has decreased from previous years.) Learn More
Farm Aid 2020 is going virtual this year! The organization aims to show the challenges, true diversity and strength of family farmers in this country during this historic time of potentially immense cultural, political and structural change. Farmers are invited to share photos and videos for a montage of farmer faces and voices as part of our annual festival broadcast. Learn More

Know Your Farmer: Racism in Agriculture
We often talk about the importance of eating local and knowing where our food comes from. Part of that is being aware of issues facing our farmers and farm workers, not just in New Hampshire. For example, racism still greatly affects Black farmers; it persists in our food system today, whether or not we see it in our own communities. This article tells the story of sugarcane farmers in Louisiana, and sheds light on how both overt and systemic racism still affect Black farmers, creating hurdles that can ultimately push them out of farming, resulting in 98% of farmland being owned by whites today.

Ag Justice Project Works to Transform the Food System
NOFA has been working with the Farm Worker Support Committee (CATA) and the Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA (RAFI-USA) since 1999 to advocate for fairness in the domestic food system, to empower workers and farmers, build capacity, educate the public, and create lasting partnerships across sectors. The Agricultural Justice Project was formed out of this collaborative effort and a major part of its work is the creation and management of the Food Justice Certified (FJC) program. This label sets the bar high for fair labor and trade practices and allows consumers to connect with farmers and other food businesses that use fair practices. AJP also offers cost share to farm operators for the certification process.
Your donation to AJP’s annual fund will support its mission to change the agricultural food system to one of empowerment, justice and fairness for all who labor. Donate

Free Film Screening: 2040
What could our future look like if we simply embraced the best climate solutions that exist today? Monadnock Food Co-op and Monadnock International Film Festival (MONIFF) is co-hosting a free virtual screening of the documentary film 2040 on August 18.
The film starts at 6:30 p.m., and NOFA-NH will moderate a live post-film discussion following the screening, with Monadnock Region community leaders in the areas of regenerative agriculture, food and farming, energy, transportation and housing, equity and social justice, and cooperatives. This event is free, but registration is required.

Farmers Face Climate Reality
NOFA-NH is becoming more involved in organized efforts to showcase the positive role that organic, regenerative farming can play in counteracting — and even reversing — some of the negative impacts of global warming.
With the unpredictability of temperatures and precipitation, along with increased frequency of extreme weather events, farming in the northeast has become even more difficult. Farmers are, as always, learning to adapt; they are even adopting practices that will help mitigate climate change.

Survey: The Voice of Our Members
NOFA-NH is looking for your feedback on our programs and initiatives! You can help guide our work by filling out this brief "Voice of Our Members" survey. Estimated completion time is about 5 minutes. We greatly appreciate your time and input.

Invitation to Join NOFA-NH's Board Committees
We're looking for passionate and enthusiastic volunteers to join our Board Committees! You do not have to be a Board Member to join. Prospective committee members are welcome to join a meeting — contact us for more information.
Education & Outreach: 3rd Saturdays of the month, 7-8:30 pm
Finance: 4th Thursdays of the month, 4-5 pm
Governance: 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 10-11 am
Fundraising & Marketing: 3rd Thursdays of the month, 1-2:30 pm
Membership: 4th Thursdays of the month, 1:30-2:30 pm
Policy: 4th Wednesdays of the month, 8-9 am
Quality Assurance: 1st Thursdays of the month, 4:15 pm
We are also exploring starting a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Please let us know if you would be interested in joining!

Meet Our Members: Introducing Tom Mitchell and Ledge Top Farm
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why we offer our members with farms and farm-related businesses eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' e-news column. Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Featured members are chosen by random lottery.
Welcome New & Renewing Members
Thank you to our NOFA-NH Members who became new members in July 2020.
New Members:
Margaret Sheehan, Wyatt Birch Farm
Pick Your Own Blueberries and Peaches
Come pick beautiful organic blueberries and peaches at our organic farm, Sunnyhill Gardens, in Center Harbor. We also offer vegetables and herbs. Contact Eloise or Bart Coudert at 279-8477 or eloisebart@metrocast.net.
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our Classifieds page and in this newsletter. Not yet members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share your Classified with our community, please contact info@nofanh.org.
Please Note: The views and opinions expressed in these classifieds are those of our members and sponsors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors. We reserve the right to reject content deemed unsuitable or inappropriate for our readership and distribution.
Upcoming Events
August 18: 2040 Film: Free Virtual Community Screening
August 18: Northeast Farmers of Color's Cooperative Land Tenure with Leah Penniman
August 18: NOFA-NY's Field Day Webinar: Growing Resilience with Farm and Garden Seed Stewardship
August 22: NOFA-VT's Beekeeping on the Homestead
August 26: NOFA-NH's CRAFT of Farming Virtual Tour of Mermaid Hill Vineyard
August 27: The Music Hall's Live Under the Arch: Acadia Tucker, Author of Growing Good Food
September 9: NOFA-NH's CRAFT of Farming Virtual Tour of Kearsarge Gore Farm
September 9: NOFA-NY Field Day Webinar: 7 Seeds to Sow in September
September 13: NOFA-VT's On-Farm Pig Butchering Workshop with Mary Lake
September 30: NOFA-NH's CRAFT of Farming Virtual Tour of Hop N Hen Farm
October 13–December 1: New Entry Sustainable Farming Project's Farm Business Planning Course
October 15: NOFA-NH's CRAFT of Farming Virtual Tour of Stonewall Farm
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