NOFA-NH's annual Spring Bulk Order is a discounted, collective buying program for organic farming and gardening supplies. Shop Online now through February 28, 2019. Mail order catalog coming soon.
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Save the Date for NOFA-NH's Organic Vegetable Gardening Workshop Series
Apply to Participate in the Farm Share Program
Are you certified organic, a member of NOFA-NH and have a CSA? If so, apply to participate in our Farm Share Program for financial assistance providing a subsidized farm share to limited-income individuals and families. Applications due February 15, 2019.
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Don't Miss The "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series!
NOFA-NH, Grow Nashua, ReGenerative Roots Association, and The Greater Nashua Food Council are hosting the "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series in Nashua through May 1st! Don't miss this outstanding gardening series instructed by farmer and NOFA-NH Board Member Ron Christie. The last two workshop topics are Growing Great Tasting Tomatoes (4/17) and A Four Season Harvest (5/1). Walk ins welcome, or register today at the link below. NOFA-NH Members save 15%!

Seeking a Merrimack County Farmer for NOFA-NH's CRAFT Program
NOFA-NH is looking for one more farmer for their CRAFT Program. This innovative program helps increase the public's awareness of the outstanding accomplishments and ongoing challenges of regenerative farmers in Merrimack County. At the same time, it promotes peer-to-peer information exchange among farmers and aids in workforce development in NH's organic farming sector. These CRAFT events focus on best practices in organic farming, networking for farmers and farm workers, and fair labor education including improved recruitment and management practices, in addition to outreach and education for consumers. *Farmers do not have to be certified organic to participate.*

Thank You for Another Wonderful Winter Conference!
NOFA-NH extends a huge Thank You to our speakers, sponsors, authors, vendors, attendees, volunteers, Board of Directors and staff for making our 17th annual Winter Conference another great success!

Congratulations to NOFA-NH's 2019 Annual Award Winners!
Each year, NOFA-NH recognizes the best of the best in our organic farming community at an Awards Ceremony during our annual Winter Conference. We are pleased to have awarded the following individuals and organizations in 2019: Outstanding New Farmer of the Year: Benedikt Dairy; Mentor of the Year: UNH Sustainability Institute; Community Partner of the Year: Neighboring Food Co-op Association; Leading Gardener of the Year: Bedrock Gardens; Policy & Advocacy Leader of the Year: Monadnock Conservancy; and Volunteer of the Year: Vince Mamone.

Fair From Farm to Retail: Fairness in Treatment of Farm Workers, Fairness in Pricing
NOFA-NH and the other NOFA state chapters are collaborating with the Agricultural Justice Project to support our organic farming community’s efforts in addressing our shared social justice values in building an equitable food system as we launch a two-year campaign Fair From Farm to Retail: fairness in treatment of farm workers, fairness in pricing. NOFA & AJP intend to assist farmers—gratis—in implementing or strengthening these values with free technical assistance.

Organic Trade Association Launches Organic Fraud Prevention Solutions Program
The Organic Trade Association (OTA) announced its Organic Fraud Prevention Solutions program in March. Organic businesses may now voluntarily pre-enroll in a program to help minimize or eliminate organic fraud both inside and outside of the United States. The new program is based on the OTA's Organic Fraud Prevention Guide that provides businesses engaged in organic trade with a risk-based process for developing and implementing organic fraud mitigation measures.

UVM Seeds Research Team Seeks Information on Seed Collection and Distribution in NH
Do you produce seeds for your own garden, to share, or to sell? If so, a team of researchers at the University of Vermont studying seed production and exchange in the Northeast is interested in learning more about you! Their goal is to highlight all the activity that is happening within NH that provides an alternative to large, out-of-state seed companies. They are preparing to conduct a survey in the early fall, but because no research has been done on Northeast seed systems before, they first need to find out who is participating in the production and distribution of seeds in the state. So, if you grow seeds for yourself, to share, or to sell and want to contribute in the future to this research study, please email your name, email address and zip code to uvmseeds@uvm.edu.

Participate in UNH Local Food Distribution Survey
UNH's Department of Natural Resources is asking for your participation in a survey on local food distribution. Commercial fruit and vegetable farmers are invited to express your needs, preferences, and willingness to pay for distribution services. Your responses will help distributors, producer cooperatives, food hubs, and other organizations understand your distribution needs, and better evaluate potential approaches for addressing the regional needs of growers throughout New Hampshire. Questions or comments? Contact Julia Jones at jws47@wildcats.unh.edu or Dr. Alberto Manalo at alberto.manalo@unh.edu or 603-862-3917

Farmers and Civil Society Members Energize Agricultural Policy Conversations in Europe
On January 19, 2019 35,000 people took to the streets in support of environment and climate-friendly farming methods, animals, small-scale farmers and rural communities. And, ahead of an important vote in the European Parliament’s Agricultural Committee in early April, a coalition of farmers and members of civil society publish a new report, “More Farmers, Better Food,” advocating for small farmers to be put at the core of EU Agricultural policy.

Finding Common Ground in Agricultural Issues
As Election 2020 approaches, NOFA-NH hopes that farmers can bridge political divides by helping us all to realize the common ground we share around similar goals for healthy food, ecosystems, and communities. In this spirit, we will be including in future e-news questions that we encourage our members to ask candidates visiting NH in the many months leading up to the next election. Send us your questions! We look forward to the conversation. We will also include links to candidates’ positions on food and agriculture-related issues. Over these next months, we hope to post articles from all candidates and parties; NOFA-NH is non-partisan and pro-dialogue!

Danbury Group Rescues Merrimack Pepper
From the late 1930s to the early 1980s, the Merrimack Wonder Pepper was a favorite among gardeners in the Granite State as a variety that produced abundant numbers of sweet red peppers in a mere 60 days, weeks earlier than standard varieties. Unfortunately, over the next 30 years, the Merrimack Wonder became increasingly less available and finally disappeared. Now, after pulling off a successful search-and-rescue for the plant, a small group of local farming and gardening advocates is making seeds for the Merrimack Wonder Pepper available once again. For more information, please contact Kathy Neustadt at kdn@comcast.net.

Meet Our Members: Introducing Mike Madden and Scooter's Farm of Woodmont
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why we offer our members with farms and farm-related businesses eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' e-news column. Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Featured members are chosen by random lottery.
Welcome New & Renewing Members
Thank you to our NOFA-NH Members who became new members and renewed their membership in March & April 2019.
Renewing Members: His Harvest Farm and Pete and Gerry's Organic Eggs
New Members: Sonke Dornblut, Brent Mahana, and Catharine Villiancourt
7.5 Acre Homestead in Central Mass.
6 room home, attached greenhouse, root cellar, dry pantry. 6,000 sq feet organic gardens, mature orchard, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, grapes. 20'x22' stable, solar heated woodsheds. Seasonal stream. 45 min. to Rte 495, 35 minutes Worcester. Abuts 3,000 acres protected watershed land. $287,000. 978-928-5685.
Holistic Management Intensive
Stonewall Farm in Keene, NH is hosting an Intensive Holistic Management course. This 9 day course covers the fundamental of Holistic Management, financial planning, ecological monitoring, planned grazing and land planning. Instructor: Byron Shelton, Senior Program Director, Savory Institute Visit www.stonewallfarm.org to register.
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our Classifieds page and in this newsletter. Not yet members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share your Classified with our community, please contact info@nofanh.org.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, April 17: Growing Great Tasting Tomatoes, Nashua, NH
Saturday, April 20: Tree Fruit Grafting Workshop, Tuftonboro, NH
Saturday, April 20: Tree Fruit Grafting Workshop, Goffstown, NH
Saturday, April 27: MOFGA's Spring Growth Conference, Unity, ME
Wednesday, May 1: A Four Season Harvest, Nashua, NH
Saturday, May 4: Souhegan Sustainability Fair, Wilton, NH
Saturday, May 4: Greenerborough Fair, Peterborough, NH
Tuesday, May 14: Savory Institute Accredited Holistic Management Intensive, Keene, NH
Tuesday, May 14: NOFA-NH Board Meeting, Concord, NH
What's happening in neighboring states?
NOFA/Mass Events | NOFA-VT Events | MOFGA Events
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